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Order Of Body Attachment Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in La Salle Local County.
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Tags: Order Of Body Attachment, Illinois Local County, La Salle
body atch(6-13) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF LASALLE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ____________________________ vs ____________________________ No. ____________________ ORDER OF BODY ATTACHMENT Defendant having FAILED to appear to show cause why he/she should not be held in contempt of this court after having been given notice and thereafter being served, and thereby afforded an opportunity to do so pursuant to Rule and Statute provided, on motion of ____________________________________: THE CLERK OF THIS COURT IS HEREBY ORDERED TO ISSUE FORTHWITH, IN ITS APPROVED FORM, A COPY OF THIS ORDER OF ATTACHMENT FOR CIVIL CONTEMPT COMMANDING THE SHERIFF OF LASALLE COUNTY OR ANY OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS TO TAKE CUSTODY OF ____________________________ (name and address of defendant) ____________________________________________________________________________________ AND BRING HIM/HER BEFORE THIS COURT FORTHWITH TO ANSWER FOR CIVIL CONTEMPT OF THIS COURT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH AND OBEY ORDERS OF THIS COURT HERETOFORE ENTERED BEFORE JUDGE ______________________________________ IN COURTROOM NUMBER _________ LASALLE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 119 WEST MADISON STREET, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, OR ANY JUDGE IN HIS STEAD. BOND IS SET IN THE AMOUNT OF $ ___________________ (10% BAIL BOND PROVISIONS DO NOT APPLY.) YOU MUST APPEAR ON THE ___________________________________ AFTER YOUR ARREST. ENTERED: __________________________ I hereby Certify the above to be correct. Dated ________________, 20 _____. __________________________________________ JUDGE _________________________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT Posting of bond in the amount fixed is to insure your appearance in Court on the date fixed in the ORDER and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PAYMENT OF THE JUDGMENT DEBT that you owe to the Plaintiff. If you fail to appear on the date fixed in the Order, the Court may forfeit your bond and may issue another ORDER OF BODY ATTACHMENT for your arrest. After posting bond it is STILL NECESSARY FOR YOU TO APPEAR IN COURT ON THE DATE FIXED. Name: ____________________________________ Attorney for: __________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: ________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________ I duly served the within by ___________________________ DATE: __________________________________________ as I am herein commanded. ________________________________________ Sheriff _________________________________________Deputy American LegalNet, Inc.