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x-noneMAIL TO:x-noneNAME & ADDRESS OF TAXPAYER:x-nonefor and in consideration ofx-noneDOLLARSx-noneCONVEY AND QUIT CLAIM tox-none(GRANTEE'S ADDRESS)x-noneof the x-nonePermanent Index Number(s) x-noneProperty Address:x-noneDated thisx-noneday ofx-none.x-noneSignaturex-noneSignaturex-noneSignaturex-noneSignature x-noneIllinois Statuatory x-noneQUIT CLAIM DEED x-noneNOTE: If additional space is required for legal - attach on separate 8 1/2 x 11 sheet x-noneTENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY forever. x-noneTenancy by the Entirety x-noneNOTE: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT NAME BELOW ALL SIGNATURES x-noneof x-noneCounty of x-noneState of x-noneTO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises as husband and wife, not as joint Tenants or Tenants in Common, but as x-nonenot as Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common, but as TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY, all interest in the following described x-noneand other good and valuable consideration in hand paid. x-nonehereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Illinois. x-noneof x-noneCounty of x-noneState of x-noneTHE GRANTOR x-noneof the x-noneReal Estate situated in the County of La Salle, State of Illinois, to Wit; x-none20 American LegalNet, Inc. x-none)x-none)x-none.x-noneLA SALLE COUNTYx-noneILLINOIS TRANSFER STAMPSx-noneEXEMPT UNDER PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPH x-none, REAL ESTATE TRANSFER x-noneNAME AND ADDRESS OF PREPARER: x-noneTAX LAW 35 ILCS 200/31-45x-noneDATE: x-none** This conveyance must contain the name and address of the Grantee for tax billing purposes (Chap. 55 ILCS 5/3-5020), x-noneand name and address of the person preparing the instrument (Chap. 55 ILCS 5/3-5022). x-noneIMPRESS SEAL HERE x-noneBuyer, Seller or Representative x-noneMy commission expires on x-noneforth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. x-noneday of x-none, 20 x-noneNotary Public x-none, 20 x-nonesealed and delivered the said instruments as x-nonefree and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set x-noneGiven under my hand and notarial seal, this x-nonepersonally known to me to be the same person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument appeared x-nonebefore me this day in person, and acknowledges that x-nonesigned, x-noneSTATE OF ILLINOIS x-noneCOUNTY OF LASALLE x-noneSS x-noneI, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT American LegalNet, Inc.