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x-none, State of Illinois, as follows, to Wit; x-nonePermanent Index Number(s) x-noneProperty Address:x-noneSignaturex-noneSignature x-noneFOR THE PROTECTION OFTHE OWNER, THIS RELEASE SHALL BE FILED WITH THECOUNTY RECORDER IN WHOSEOFFICE THE MORTGAGE ORDEED OF TRUST WAS FILED x-none, 20 x-nonehand x-noneWitness x-none x-noneand seal x-noneCounty, in the State of Illinois, as Document No. x-noneto the premises therein x-nonedescribed, situated in the County of x-noneor demand whatsoever x-nonemay have acquired in through or by a certain x-nonebearing date the x-noneday of x-noneA.D. x-none, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of x-noneof the County of x-noneand State of x-noneall right, title interest, claim x-nonefor and in consideration of x-noneone dollar, and for other good and consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed, do hereby remise, convey, release x-noneand quit-claim unto x-noneMAIL TO: x-noneof the County of x-noneand State of x-noneKnow All Men by These Presents, That x-noneNOTE: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT NAME BELOW ALL SIGNATURES x-noneTogether with all the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or appertaining. x-noneNOTE: If additional space is required for legal - attach on separate 8 1/2 x 11 sheet. x-noneNAME & ADDRESS OF PREPARER: x-nonethis x-noneday of x-noneRELEASE DEED American LegalNet, Inc. x-none)x-none)x-none. x-noneIMPRESS SEAL HERE x-noneMy commission expires on x-noneforth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. x-noneday of x-none, 20 x-noneNotary Public x-none, 20 x-nonesealed and delivered the said instruments as x-nonefree and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set x-noneGiven under my hand and notarial seal, this x-nonepersonally known to me to be the same person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument appeared x-nonebefore me this day in person, and acknowledges that x-nonesigned, x-noneSTATE OF ILLINOIS x-noneCOUNTY OF LASALLE x-noneSS x-noneI, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT American LegalNet, Inc.