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x-none)x-none) x-noneDOCUMENT NO. x-noneWHEREAS, the undersigned, x-noneheretofore,x-noneon thex-noneday of x-none, A.D. 20 x-none, filed in the above office a x-noneClaim for Lien against x-noneforx-noneDollars, and on the following described property,x-noneto wit,x-nonewhich Claim for Lien is numbered as above.x-nonePERMANENT INDEX NUMBER x-noneNOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of x-noneand other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,x-nonedox-nonehereby satisfy and release the said Claim for Lien, and hereby authorize and request the saidx-noneRecorder of La Salle County to enter satisfaction and release thereof on the proper Record in this office.x-noneWitnessx-noneand sealx-nonethisx-noneday of x-noneA.D. 20 x-none)x-none(Seal)x-none)x-none(Seal)x-noneI,x-nonea Notaryx-nonePublic in and for La Salle County, in the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that, x-nonepersonally known to me to be the same personx-nonewhose namex-nonesubscribed to the foregoing instrument,x-noneappearing before me this day in person and acknowledged thatx-nonesigned, sealed and delivered the said x-noneinstrument as x-nonefree and voluntary act, for the use and purposes therein x-noneset forth. x-noneGiven under my hand and Notarial Seal, thisx-noneday of x-noneA.D. 20 x-noneThis instrument prepared by:x-noneNamex-noneAddress x-noneCOUNTY OF LA SALLE x-noneSS x-nonehand x-noneIN WHOSE OFFICE THE CLAIM FOR LIEN WAS FILED. x-noneBE FILED WITH THE RECORDER OR THE REGISTRAR OF TITLES x-noneFOR THE PROTECTION OF THE OWNER, THIS RELEASE SHOULD x-noneSTATE OF ILLINOIS x-noneCOUNTY OF LA SALLE x-noneSS x-noneRELEASE OF MECHANIC'S LIEN x-noneMECHANIC'S LIEN x-noneNotary Public x-noneh x-noneSTATE OF ILLINOIS x-noneRELEASE OF MECHANIC'S LIEN x-noneSTATE OF ILLINOIS x-noneCOUNTY OF LA SALLE American LegalNet, Inc.