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Summons (Certain Date) Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in La Salle Local County.
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Tags: Summons (Certain Date), 85, Illinois Local County, La Salle
UNITED STATES OF AMERICASTATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF LASALLEIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 13TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Plaintiff(s) -VS- Case No. Defendant(s) Amount Claimed $ SUMMONSTO EACH DEFENDANTYou are hereby summoned and required to appear before this Court at the Downtown Courthouse, 119 W. Madison St., Ottawa, IL, 61350, Courtroom # at .M., on , 20 * , to answer the complaint in this case, a copy of which is hereto attached. IF YOU FAIL TO DO SO, A JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR RELIEF ASKED IN THE COMPLAINT.E-! ling is now mandatory for documents in civil cases with limited exemptions. To e-! le, you must ! rst create an account with an e-! ling service provider. Visit http://e! to learn more and to select a service provider. If you need addi-tional help or have trouble e-! ling, visit or talk with your local Circuit Clerk222s of! ce.TO THE OFFICER:This summons must be returned by the of! cer or other person to whom it was given for service, with the endorsement of service and fees, if any, immediately after service and not less that three days before the day of the appearance. If service cannot be made, this summons shall be returned so endorsed. This summons may not be served later than three days before the day of appearance.Name: Witness, , 20 Attorney For: Clerk of the CourtAddress: (Seal)City: State: Telephone: Date of Service: , 20 (to be inserted by of! cer on copy left with defendant or other person)* Insert date which is not less than 21 or more than 40 days after date of isuance. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTSs At the time and place indicated in this summons, you must appear in person or by an attorney and make your presence known to the court.s If you do not appear at the time and place indicated in this summons, the allegations of the complaint will be taken as confessed and judgment may be against you for an amount to exceed the amount claimed.s In the event judgment is entered against you in the manner indicated in the above paragraph, if you have a valid defense to the claim, you may ask the court to vacate the judgment at any time within thirty (30) days after it was entered, but you must ! le an af! davit in writing with the court showing that you do have a valid defense and that you were not lax in prosecuting the same.s The case will be tried on the day set for your appearance unless otherwise ordered by the court.s If you wish to contest this claim, you must appear at the time and place stated herein, with the witnesses, books or documents needed to establish your defense.LASALLE COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERKOTTAWA, ILLINOIS 61350Certain Date Summons (7/2018) American LegalNet, Inc. SHERIFF222S FEES Service and return......................................... $ Miles ............................................................ $ TOTAL......... ........... ......... .......................... $ Sheriff of CountyI certify that I served this summons on defendants as follows:(a) (Individual defendants - personal): By leaving a copy and a copy of the complaint with each individual defendant personally as follows: Name of Defendant Date of Service (b) (Individual defendants - abode): By leaving a copy and a copy of the complaint at the usual place of abode of each individual defendant with a person of the family or a person residing there, of age 13 years or upwards, informing that person of the contents of the summons, and also by sending a copy of the summons and of the complaint in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, addressed to each individual defendant at his/her usual place of abode, as follows: Name of Defendant Person With Whom Left Date of Service Date Of Mailing (c) (Corporation defendants): By leaving a copy and a copy of the complaint with the registered agent, of! cer or agent of each defendant corporation, as follows: Defendant Corporation Registered Agent, Of! cer or Agent Date of Service (d) (Other service): Sheriff of County By American LegalNet, Inc.