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Citation To Discover Assets Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Lake Local County.
Tags: Citation To Discover Assets, 171-23, Illinois Local County, Lake
171 - 23 ( Rev 12 /1 7 ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Plaintiff(s) ) vs. ) ) ) ) Gen No . Defendant(s) ) CITATION TO DISCOVER ASSETS TO: ( N ame & A ddress of Defendant or Respondent) YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear before the judge presiding in Room C - of Lake County Courthouse, County Street, Waukegan, Illinois, on , 20 at AM/PM to be examined under oath to discover assets or income not exempt from the enforcement of the Judgment. A judgment against (judgment debtor) was entered on , a nd $ remains unsatisfied. YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce at the examination: all books, papers or records in your possession or control which may contain information concerning the property or income of, or indebtedness due judgment de btor and including the documents contained on the attached Rider to the Citation to Discover Assets , which is incorporated by reference and made a part of this order. Please complete the enclosed Income and Asset Form and bring it with you to the above re ferenced hearing. YOU ARE PROHIBITED from making or allowing any transfer or other disposition or, interfering with, any property not exempt from execution or garnishment belonging to the Judgment debtor or to which the judgment debtor may be entitled or which may be acquired by or become due to the Judgment Debtor and from paying over or otherwise disposing of any money not so exempt, which is due the Judgment Debtor, until the further order of court or termination of the proceedings. You are not require d to withhold the payment of any money beyond double the amount of the balance due. WARNING: IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR IN COURT AS DIRECTED IN THIS NOTICE, YOU MAY BE ARRESTED AND BROUGHT BEFORE THE COURT TO ANS W ER TO A CHARGE OF CONTEMPT OF COURT, WHICH MAY BE PUNISHABLE BY IMPRISONMENT IN THE COUNTY JAIL. CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEY OR JUDGMENT CREDITOR Judgment Amount: $ Balance due: $ Date of Judgment/Revival: , Name of Court Entering Judgment: Case No.: The undersigned certifies, under penalties p rovide by law pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/1 - 109, that the information contained herein is true and correct. Attorney/Judgment Creditor Name: Pro Se Address: City: State: WITNESS: Phone: Zip Code: ARDC #: E - mail address: CLERK OF COURT American LegalNet, Inc.