Order For Referral To Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation
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Order For Referral To Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Lake Local County.
Tags: Order For Referral To Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation, 171-462, Illinois Local County, Lake
# 171 - 462 ( Rev 12 / 1 7 ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Plaintiff(s) ) vs. ) ) ) ) Gen No . Defendant(s) ) ORDER FOR REFERRAL TO MORTGAGE FORECL OSURE MEDIATION THIS CAUSE coming to be heard, due notice having been given, and all parties present ; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. The c ase is referred to m ediation. 2. The parties shall fully comply with the provisions of Local Rule 7 - 2.00 et seq. and shall foll ow the medi ation schedule set forth in the Local Rule s . 3. The Defendant Mortgagor(s) shall have 14 days from the date of this Order to contact the Mediation Program Coordinator at 847 - 377 - 3552 to conduct an Introductory Screening and schedule a housing coun seling appointment or mediation conference. 4. A s tay of court proceedings to accommodate mediation is entere d effective immediately . 5. The c lerk shall provide a copy of this Order to the M ortgage F oreclosure M ediation P rogram C oordinator in addition to the Plaintiff and Defendant . Enter : Dated this day of , 20 JUDGE Prepared by: Name: Pro Se Address: City: State: Phone: Zip Code: ARDC #: E - mail address: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com