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Certificate Of Attorney - Family Division Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Lake Local County.
Tags: Certificate Of Attorney - Family Division, 171-365, Illinois Local County, Lake
171 - 365 (Rev. 12 /1 7 ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS ) ) vs. ) ) ) Gen. No. CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEY - FAMILY DIVISION Are minor children involved? Yes Pre - Judgment refer to column 1 or 2 No Post - Judgment refer to column 3 Pursuant to Local Rule 2 - 2 .01(c), I hereby certify that : There has been no previous Voluntary or Involuntary Dismissal of the subject matter of this litigation. There has been a previous Voluntary or Involuntary Dismissal of the subject matter of this litigation and at the time of dismissal that Case No. was assigned to the Honorable . There is no other litigation presently (including Orders of Protection) pending in the county involving these parties. There is other litigation presently pending in the county (including Orders of Protection) involving the parties to or subject matter to this lawsuit and that cas e(s) is/are assigned Case No.(s) which is/are assigned to the Honorable . There was previously other litigation in the county involving these parties and that the case was assigned Case No. and was assigned to the Honorable . In the columns below, check the box stating the appropriate sub - type action. This data is being gathered for administrative purposes and will not be used for any oth er purpose. COLUMN 1 Dissolution D Dissolution of Marriage /Minor Children Dissolution of Marriage /No Minor Children Dissolution of Civil Union/Minor Children Dissolution of C ivil Union/ No Minor Children Legal Separation Invalidity of Marriage Invalidity of Civil Union Simplified Registration of Foreign Judgment (In State) E nrollment of Foreign Judgment (Out of State) COLUMN 2 Family F Notice to Putative Fathers Parental Responsibility Allocation Parentage Action Non - Parentage Action Parentage by Consent Non - State Action/Petition UIFSA/Initiating Court UIFSA/Responding Court State Action UIFSA/Responding Court Private Action Registration of Foreign Judgment (In State) Enrollment of Foreign Judgment ( Out of State) Marriage Waiver COLUMN 3 Post - Judgment Dissolution D and F Cases Parental Responsibility Modification Child Support/Maintenance Modification Enforcement of Child Support/Maintenance Enforcement of Parenting Time Enforcement of Property Relocation Post - Secondary/ College Contribution Petition to Vacate Judgment Pursuant to 2472 - 1203 or 2472 - 1401 Post Judgment Citation Other specify: Dated Print Name Signature Attorney Pro - se o Enrollme nt of Foreign Judgment (In American LegalNet, Inc.