Trial Continuance Order
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Trial Continuance Order Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Lake Local County.
Tags: Trial Continuance Order, 171-373, Illinois Local County, Lake
171 - 373 ( Rev. 1 2 / 1 7 ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Plaintiff(s) ) vs. ) ) ) ) Defendant(s) ) Gen No: TRIAL CONTINUANCE ORDER This cause coming to be heard on the motion of ( Party Name ) by to continue the trial for the following reasons; (c heck all that apply) (Attorney Name) Illness: Client/Witness Attorney Unavailable Discovery Not Complete Illness: Attorney Judge Unavailable Unresolved Rule 213 Issues Witness Unavailable Service Not Complete Scientific Evidence Not Complete Client Unavailable Motions Pending Not Reached on the Trial Call Other ( SPECIFY ) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Motion to Continue Trial is granted denied. This cause is hereby removed from the , 20 trial call and reset to the , 20 trial call at A.M. P.M. in C - . The t rial conference of , 20 is stricken and is reset to , 20 at A.M. P.M. in C - . These continuances are without further notice. All subpoenas continue d to said trial call . A NEW CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER IS ENTERED BY SEPARATE ORDER [OTHERWISE ALL PRIOR 218 DATES STAND] . Enter : Dated this day of , 20 JUDGE Prepared by: Name: Pro Se Address: City: State: Phone: Zip Code: ARDC # : Fax: E - mail address: American LegalNet, Inc.