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|trdgnrent CreditorII{ IHE CIRCUIT COUITT OI-: TIIEI'laintiff-JI^lrlrclAL cIRCUITCOUNTY.ILLTNOIfiNo.Name and Aclclress of Attorney fr:r ]udgmentCreditor rlr of Judgnrent Creditrrr if not representedb,v an at'torney:f)efendant-Judgment DebtorAddress of Judgment Dehtor:(insrfrl lnst known a.dd.ress)Amunt rrf -ludgmrnt: $C-"ourt l)ate ancl Time:American LegalNet, Inc. (4) Under federal laHi the amount of wages that may be applied toward a judgnrent is limited to the lesserof ti)25!o of disposable eamings for a weekor (ii) the amount by which disposable earnings for a week exceed30 times the federal minimum hourty wage.(5) Pension and retirement ben200fits and refunds may be claimed as cxempt under lllinois law" The iud3pnentdebtor may have other possible exernptions unde'r the law.TlrE IUDGMENT DEBTOR r'{AS:ru{E RIGHT AT THE CTT TION HEARINC TO DECLARE EXEMPTCERTAIN INCOMI OR ASSETS OR BOTH. The judgmert dehtn also has the right to seek a declaration at anearlier date, by notifying the clerk in writing at Montgome.ry Ccrurrty Courthouss, 120 North Main Street, Hillsboro,Illinois 620{9.When so notified, the Clerk of the Court will provide a henring date and the necessary fcrrms that must beprepared hy the iudgment debtor or the attorney for the iudgnent debtor and sent to the fudgment ctedilorregarding the time and locafiorr of the hearing. This n