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IN TEE CIRCUIT COrlBT OF TEE TTII JUDICIAL CIRCUIT I\&\COUPIN COUNTY N I,INOIS Plaintifr Judgment Creditor -vsDefendantJudgrnent Debtor Address of Judgment Debtor: (insen last knou'n address) Name and Address of Anornel'for Judgment Crediror or of Judgment Judgment Creditor if not represented b1'attorney: Anount of Judgment: $ Name ofEmpioyer RehrrnDate: WAGEDEDUCTTON NOTTCE NOTICE: The court shall be asked to issue a w'age deductiotr summons against the employer named above for wages due or about to become due to you. The rrage deduction summons ma,v be issued on the basis of a judgment qgainst you infavor ofthe judgment creditor in the amount stated above. The amount ofrzges that may be deducted is limited by federal and Illinois law. (1) Under lllinois law, the amount of wages that may be deducted is limited to the lesser of (l) l5%of gross rveekiy wages or (ii) the amouat by which disposable eanrings for a week exceed the total of 45 times the federal minimtmr hourllr raage. (2) Under federal larv, the amouut of wages that may be deducted is limited to the lesser of (I) 25"/o of disposable earnings for a week or (ii) the arnount by which disposable earnings for a week exceed 30 times the federal minimum hourly *age. (3) Pension and retirement benefits and reftnds may be claimed as exemPt from wage deduction under Illinois law. You haye the right to request a hearing before the courl to dispute ttre n'age deduction becausethe $"ges are exempt. To obtain a hearing in counties lvith a population of less than 1,000,0001.ou must notify the clerk of the court in ffiiting at PQ Box i97: Cariinvilie. Ii. eieZi-Otil on or before the reilm date specified above. The Clerk of the Court will provide a*g d"t and the necessary forms that must be prcpared by y-9u or yotrr attorney and sent to the judlment creditor and the employer, or their attonney, regarding the time and location of the hearing-. This notice ma,v be sent by regular first class mail' (Source: P..{- S6-1258) American LegalNet, Inc.