Civil Mediators Report
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Civil Mediators Report Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Madison Local County.
Tags: Civil Mediators Report, Illinois Local County, Madison
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MADISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS ____________________________, Plaintiff, vs. ____________________________, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. ________________ CIVIL MEDIATOR'S REPORT I, the undersigned, mediated with the above parties for a total of ____________ hours. THE MEDIATION HAS BEEN CONCLUDED BECAUSE: 1. The parties have reached an agreement as to all disputed issues. The agreement has been filed with the Circuit Clerk. 2. The parties have reached an agreement as to some of the disputed issues and are at an impasse in regard to the remaining issues. The statement as to the issues resolved and issues that remain unresolved have been filed with the Circuit Clerk. 3. There is no realistic likelihood that a mediated agreement as to the disputed issues can be achieved, although all parties acted in good faith during the mediation. 4. ____________________________ did not appear at a scheduled appointment. 5. � Plaintiff � Defendant - Both were unwilling to participate in the mediation. 6. One or both parties failed to have all individuals necessary to facilitate settlement presented. � Plaintiff � Defendant - Both Dated: _______________________ Mediator: _____________________ Original to be filed with Circuit Clerk, a copy of this report is to be sent to the Trial Judge and the Trial Court Administrator, Teri Picchioldi (Revised 8/30/11) American LegalNet, Inc.