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Petition For Guardian (Minor) Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Madison Local County.
Tags: Petition For Guardian (Minor), Illinois Local County, Madison
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MADISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS In re the Matter of the Estate of: ________________________________, a Minor date of birth: ________________ Hearing on this Petition has been set for on ______________ CASE. NO. _______________ PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION; FILL IN EACH AND EVERY PARAGRAPH. PETITION FOR GUARDIAN _____________________________, Petitioner, a reputable citizen of Illinois, residing at _____________________________________________, telephone: __________________ on oath states: l. Petitioner is not related to the minor child. Petitioner is related to the minor child as ____________________________. 2. It is necessary that a guardian be appointed for the minor child because ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Petitioner asks that ________________________, aged _________ years, with occupation of ____________________________________ who resides at ________________________________________________ be appointed guardian of the _________________________ of the minor. Person / Estate / Person and Estate 4. The minor currently resides at __________________________________________. 5. The person(s) having custody of the minor is/are __________________________ residing at _________________________________________. 6. To the best of my knowledge, no other guardian has been appointed for the minor by any court. No other Court cases have been filed concerning this minor. The following Court cases are pending concerning this minor or have had Orders entered concerning this minor: ___________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. 7. The names and addresses of the nearest adult relatives of the minor are: . Mother: _______________________ who resides at Father: _______________________ who resides at ________________________________. ______________________________ who resides at ________________________________. Spouse, if any, parents, and adult siblings must be listed above. *Other*: ________________________ who resides at _______________________________. *Other relatives including nearest adult kindred are to be named only if they have physical custody of the minor, or if the parents are deceased, or their whereabouts are unknown. 8. 9. The approximate amount of the minor's personal estate is $ No authority to compromise any action belonging to the minor is sought and and the amount of his/her anticipated gross annual income is $________________. no authority to sell, encumber or dispose of any asset in which the minor has an interest is sought unless by a separately filed Petition herein. 10. I further certify by my signature below under penalty of perjury that I know of no legal proceedings or orders concerning the possession, custody or guardianship of the minor in any Court in any State including Juvenile Court, Family Court, Probate Court or Order of Protection proceedings except as set forth hereinabove. Further, I certify that I (have) (have not) been convicted of a felony. (Circle one.) WHERFORE, it is requested that the relief sought herein be granted by the Court. ____________________________________ PETITIONER Signed and sworn to before me this _________ day of _________________, 20____. ____________________________________ Notary Public / Deputy Clerk ___________________________________________ Attorney for Petitioner Address:___________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________ IL Bar Registration NO. _______________________ ***************************** NOTE: A minor 14 years of age or older may nominate a guardian for their person and/or estate subject to the Court's approval. (See separate nomination form). NOTE: Notice of the hearing on this Petition must be given to the minor if over 14 years of age and to the parents, relatives and proposed guardian listed on the Petition. American LegalNet, Inc.