Affidavit Accepting Responsibility To Supervise Visitaiton Under Court Order
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Affidavit Accepting Responsibility To Supervise Visitaiton Under Court Order Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Madison Local County.
Tags: Affidavit Accepting Responsibility To Supervise Visitaiton Under Court Order, Illinois Local County, Madison
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MADISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS Petitioner vs. NO OP Respondent AFFIDAVIT ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY TO SUPERVISE VISITATION UNDER COURT ORDER I, , accept the responsibility to supervise the visitation granted by the Court in this case and understand that I will be held accountable by the Court if I violate the following conditions imposed on me as Supervisor for such visitation. 1. 2. 3. 4. I will be present at all times during the Visitations and I agree to appear in Court concerning visitation when required to do so by the Court. I agree that the visitations may take place [ ] in my home [ ] in some suitable public place [ ] in the home of the Respondent. No corporal punishment or abusive behavior will be tolerated during any visitations. I understand that I can be held in contempt of Court if I do not faithfully perform the responsibility to supervise visitation as set forth herein. Date Supervisor of Visitation (sign here) I attest that the Affiant appeared before me this date with proof of his/her identity and acknowledged that he/she had read this Affidavit and agreed to faithfully perform in accord with all the matters set forth herein. Date: Notary Public/Judge County, State of 2002 � American LegalNet, Inc.