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Subpoena Duces Tecum Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in McHenry Local County.
Tags: Subpoena Duces Tecum, CR-SUB2, Illinois Local County, McHenry
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTY-SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS VS. Case Number __________________________________ _______________________________________________ SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM TO: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________ You are directed to produce the designated documents, objects or tangible things: _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ at least five (5) days prior to the following due date: ____________________________________, 20_____ Time: _________________________________________________ YOUR FAILURE TO RESPOND TO THIS SUBPOENA OR TO COMPLY WITH COURT RULES MAY SUBJECT YOU TO PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT. YOU MAY COMPLY WITH THIS SUBPOENA BY APPEARING IN PERSON IN COURT ON THE RETURN DATE WITH SUBPOENAED MATERIALS. YOU ALSO MAY COMPLY BY MAILING LEGIBLE AND COMPLETE COPIES OF ALL SPECIFIED DOCUMENTS, OBJECTS OR TANGIBLE THINGS REQUESTED IN THIS SUBPOENA AT LEAST FIVE (5) DAYS BEFORE THE DUE DATE TO JUDGE _____________________________________ IN COURTROOM __________, McHENRY COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER, 2200 N. SEMINARY AVENUE, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS 60098. COMPLIANCE BY MAIL REQUIRES THAT THE ATTACHED CERTIFICATE BE SIGNED AND RETURNED. DO NOT SEND THESE MATERIALS TO ANYONE OTHER THAN JUDGE_________________ . DO NOT RETURN THESE MATERIALS TO THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. KATHERINE M. KEEFE, McHenry County Clerk of the Circuit Court, Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit, and the seal thereof, at Woodstock, Illinois. Date: __________________________, 20______ __________________________________________ CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT THIS SUBPOENA IS VALID ONLY WHEN BOTH PAGES ARE COMPLETED CR-SUB2: Revised 12/01/08 Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury and contempt of Court, that I have examined the subpoena issued in this cause and that the documents, objects and tangible things attached hereto represent full and complete compliance with said subpoena. Date: ______________________________________, 20______ Signature: ___________________________________________ Print Name: __________________________________________ NOTICE TO WITNESS The attorney who has requested this subpoena is listed below. Any questions regarding your knowledge of the subject matter or testimony in the case should be directed to him/her or your attorney. DO NOT CALL THE CIRCUIT CLERK. SERVICE I served this subpoena by delivering a copy to ____________________________________________________ on __________________________________ and I paid the witness $________________________ for witness and mileage fees. _____________________________________________ Signature of Person Serving Subpoena SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this ________________________________ day of ___________________________________, 20_______. _______________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC Name:____________________________________________________ Attorney for:_______________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ City, State Zip:______________________________________________ Telephone:_________________________________________________ AFTER SERVICE, THE ORIGINAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ALONG WITH THE ENDORSEMENT OF SERVICE. NOTICE A copy of said subpoena and notice of service shall be mailed first class within forty-eight (48) hours of issuance to all parties having appeared in the action. CR-SUB2: Revised 12/01/08 Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.