Defendants Motion To Claim Exemption Under Non-Wage Garnishment Proceeding
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Defendants Motion To Claim Exemption Under Non-Wage Garnishment Proceeding Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in McHenry Local County.
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Tags: Defendants Motion To Claim Exemption Under Non-Wage Garnishment Proceeding, CV-NOT12-2, Illinois Local County, McHenry
STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 22nd JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY ________________________________________________ Plaintiff - Judgment Creditor vs. ________________________________________________ Defendant Judgment Debtor Case Number _________________________________ DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO CLAIM EXEMPTION UNDER NON WAGE GARNISHMENT PROCEEDINGS NOW COMES _________________________________________________, Defendant (Judgment Debtor) in the above entitled proceedings and moves this Court to find: 1. The amount of non wage money or property (other than wages) that may not be garnished: includes the debtor's interest, not exceeding $4,000.00 in value, in any personal property as chosen by the debtor; Social Security and SSI benefits; public assistance benefits; unemployment compensation benefits; worker's compensation benefits; veteran's benefits; circuit breaker property tax relief benefits. I hereby choose ______________________________________________________________________ (describe property) as my personal property to be exempt from garnishment. includes the debtor's equity interest, not to exceed $2,400.00 in value in any one motor vehicle. I hereby choose ______________________________________________________________________ (describe property) to be exempt from garnishment. includes the debtor's interest, not to exceed $1,500.00 in value, in any implements, professional books or tools of the trade of the debtor. I hereby choose ______________________________________________________________________ (describe property) to be exempt from garnishment. WHEREFORE, Defendant (Judgment Debtor) prays that the above property be declared to be exempt. Name______________________________________ Attorney for________________________________ Address____________________________________ City, State Zip______________________________ Telephone__________________________________ CV-NOT12-2: revised 12/01/06 American LegalNet, Inc. _______________________________________ Defendant's Signature (Judgment Debtor) Subscribed and Sworn to before me _______________________________________ Circuit Court Clerk Notary Public Dated__________________________________