Order Appointing Temporary Guardian For Disabled Person
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Order Appointing Temporary Guardian For Disabled Person Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in McHenry Local County.
Tags: Order Appointing Temporary Guardian For Disabled Person, PR-ORD9, Illinois Local County, McHenry
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTY-SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Probate Division IN THE MATTER OF ) ) ) ) ) ) Case Number_______________________________ ______________________________________________ Alleged Disabled Person ORDER APPOINTING TEMPORARY GUARDIAN FOR DISABLED PERSON On the petition of ____________________________________________________ for appointment of a temporary guardian, the Court having found that the appointment is necessary for the welfare and protection of the alleged disabled person or their estate, that actual harm being_____________________________________________; IT IS ORDERED THAT _______________________________________________________ is appointed temporary guardian for the respondent's ____________________________________ and that Letters of Temporary (Estate, Person, Estate and Person) Guardianship issue. The specific powers and duties of the temporary guardian are as follows:______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ The legal disabilities of the ward are as follows:__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ The temporary guardianship shall expire on ________________________________________, 20_____, or whenever a guardian is appointed, whichever occurs first. Name___________________________________ Attorney for______________________________ Address_________________________________ City, State Zip ___________________________ Telephone_______________________________ _________________________________, 20______ ENTER: __________________________________________ Judge PR-ORD9: Revised 12/01/06 Disabled Guardianship American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com