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Petition For Withdrawal Of Funds Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in McHenry Local County.
Tags: Petition For Withdrawal Of Funds, PR-PET6, Illinois Local County, McHenry
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTY-SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Probate Division ) ) _________________________________________ ) Minor ) Estate of Case Number________________________ PETITION FOR WITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS Petitioner, _____________________________________________, who is the____________________________ (Name of Petitioner) (Mother, Father, Spouse, Guardian, etc.) of said ward(s), respectfully states under penalty of perjury: 1. That the guardian heretofore appointed by the Court was discharged on the ___________ day of _________________________________, 20 _____. *2. (a) That heretofore by order of this Court, the sum of $_______________ was deposited with ____________________________________________________ for the use and credit of said (Name of Depository) ward(s). (b) That heretofore by order of this Court, the sum of $______________________ was invested in United States Government Obligations and deposited for safekeeping for the account of said ward(s) with _____________________________________________________________________. (Name of Bank or Trust Company) 3. That the ward(s) at this time is (are) in need of the sum $____________________ for (his) (her) (their) comfort, support, education or other benefit as set forth below: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Wherefore your Petitioner prays that this Court enter an order allowing the withdrawal of said sum for the reasons heretofore stated, and any further order in the premises as to the Court may seem proper. _____________________________________________ Petitioner's Signature Name______________________________________ Attorney for_________________________________ Address____________________________________ City, State Zip ______________________________ Telephone__________________________________ The undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this instrument are true and correct, except as to matters therein stated to be on information and belief and as to such matters the undersigned certifies as aforesaid that he/she verily believes the same to be true. ______________________________________________ *Strike either 2(a) or (b) Petitioner's Signature PR-PET6: Revised 12/01/06 Minor Guardianship American LegalNet, Inc.