Guardianship Accounting
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Guardianship Accounting Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Monroe Local County.
Tags: Guardianship Accounting, Illinois Local County, Monroe
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MONROE COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN RE THE ESTATE OF: NO. GUARDIANSHIP ACCOUNTING--SUMMARY Acctg. Period: 1. Cash on hand at beginning of Period 2. Receipts during this Accounting Period 3. Total of lines 1 and 2 TOTAL CASH 0.00 4. Expenditures during this Accounting Period 5. Subtract line 4 from line 3 CASH BALANCE ON HAND 0.00 Current Assets. List all of the Current Assets on the Current Assets form. If current assets differ from the initital Inventory (if this is the first accounting) or from the last accounting (if this is the second or later accounting), provide a detailed explanation for the changes. You MUST attach supporting documents for the Cash On Hand and the Current Assets. For example, attach bank statements for savings and checking accounts, photocopies of CDs and bonds, brokerage statements for securities. Be prepared to produce cancelled checks to show expenditures but do NOT attach them unless requested by the court. I swear that the above information and all attachments are true and correct. I understand that any false statements could result in prosecution for perjury. ______________________________________date_______________ Signature of Guardian ______________________________________date_______________ Signature of Co-Guardian IMPORTANT: If your address has changed, you must notify the Clerk of the Circuit Court in writing. Include a daytime phone number if you are not represented by an attorney.