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Child Custody And Visitation (Order Of Exclusive Custody) Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Sangamon Local County.
Tags: Child Custody And Visitation (Order Of Exclusive Custody), Illinois Local County, Sangamon
State of Illinois
Circuit Court for the Seventh Judicial Circuit
Sangamon County, Springfield, Illinois
Child Custody and Visitation.
With regard to the custodial parent’s exercise of duties as custodial parent the court
directs as follows:
Custodial parent shall take the necessary actions with the school authorities of the
schools in which the Child is enrolled to:
List Father and Mother each as a parent of the children.
To direct each school which Child attends at all times hereafter to release
to non-custodial parent any and all information concerning Child pursuant
to and in accordance with Section 10-21.8 of the School Code, 105
I.L.C.S. 5/10-21.8.
To insure that non-custodial parent receives copies of any notices
regarding Child which are not forwarded by the school.
Custodial parent shall forward, upon receipt thereof, any and all information
received concerning parent-teacher meetings, school club meetings, school
programs, athletics schedules and any other school activities in which Child
Custodial parent shall furnish non-custodial parent, upon receipt thereof, a
photocopy of Child’s grade cards or report cards and copies of any other reports
concerning Child’s individual progress.
Each parent shall promptly inform the other parent of any serious illness of the
child which requires medical attention.
Appendix F-Model Order of Exclusive Custody
American LegalNet, Inc.
Order of Exclusive Custody
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Emergency surgery necessary for the preservation of a life or to prevent a further
serious injury or condition may be performed without consultation with the parent
who does not then have physical custody of Child when same is necessary for the
preservation of life or to prevent a further serious injury, provided however, that
if time permits, the other parent shall be consulted and in any event informed as
soon as reasonably possible of said condition and all relative factors thereof.
Each parent shall inform the other of any medical or health problems which arose
while they had physical custody of Child when the information of said medical or
health problems could reasonable be found to aid the other parent in care and
treatment of Child.
Each parent shall, when requested, provide information to the other parent
regarding the names, addresses, telephone numbers and other necessary facts
concerning the providers of any medical or health care to Child.
Each parent shall refrain from discussing the conduct of the other parent in the
presence of Child except in a laudatory or complimentary way.
Under no circumstances shall the question of child support either as to amount,
manner or transmission of payment, be raised in the presence of Child.
Each parent shall advise the other parent as soon as possible if the parent is
unable to keep a planned physical custody with Child.
Each parent may attend Child's planned school, athletic and social activities at
such times as Child is with the other parent.
Each parent shall, at all times, conduct himself or herself in a manner which
promotes the relationship with other parent.
(Associate) Judge of the Circuit Court
American LegalNet, Inc.