Letters Of Guardianship (Minor)
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Letters Of Guardianship (Minor) Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Sangamon Local County.
Tags: Letters Of Guardianship (Minor), Illinois Local County, Sangamon
In The Circuit Court For The Seventh Judicial Circuit of Illinois Sangamon County, Springfield, Illinois IN THE MATTER OF: (Minor) } Case Number: LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP (Minor) By Order of the above Court, (Name) has been duly of (Estate) (Person) (Estate and Person) appointed Guardian of the , minor and is authorized and empowered to take and have (Name) custody of (Person) , and the care, management and investment of the Estate of said minor and do all other acts now or hereafter required by law of said representative. (Seal of Court) Date Clerk of the Circuit Court CERTIFICATE I certify that this is a copy of the Letters of Office now in force in the case. (Seal of Court) Date Clerk of the Circuit Court American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com