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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN RE: PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF A GUARDIAN OF THE PERSON(S) ONLY OF: ) ____________________________________________ ) Last Name First Name Middle Name ____________________________________________ ) Last Name First Name Middle Name ____________________________________________ ) Last Name First Name Middle Name ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No.: _________________________ PETITIONER: ___________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN OF THE PERSON OF THE MINOR(S) NAMED BELOW Now comes ___________________________________, having been duly sworn, and states as follows: (Name of person asking for appointment of Guardian) 1. Each of the following is a minor: NAME DATE OF BIRTH RESI DENCE ADDRESS (AT THIS TIME) (List street address, city, state, zip, telephone number and county of which the minor resides) LAST FIRST MID DLE MO NTH DA Y YEA R ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 2. (a) Last Name The person who presently has ( ) Custody First Name Middle Name Street Address ( ) Guardianship is: City/State/Zip Telephone No. _____________________________________ Circle One: ____________________________________ (b) The person who presently has ( ) Custody ( ) Guardianship in the minor's Mother Father Grandmother Grandfather Brother Sister Aunt Uncle Other If Other please describe:______________________________________________________. (c) The person who presently has ( ) Custody ( ) Guardianship obtained custody or guardianship in the following manner. (Answer yes or no to each of the following): 1. 2. 3. 4. Divorce Proceeding ( ) Yes ( ) No Prior guardianship case in court. ( ) Yes ( ) No Prior Juvenile Court case ( ) Yes ( ) No Other (explain):_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3 American LegalNet, Inc. 3. The person asking for appointment of a guardian is related to the minor(s) in the following manner (circle one): Mother Father Grandmother Grandfather Aunt Uncle Brother Sister Other (specify):__________________________________________________ 4. The names and address of the nearest relatives of the minor(s) are (if answer is none or any information is unknown, so state): Father Last Name (a) Parents of the Minor: ____________________________________ City/State/Zip Telephone No. _________________________________ First Name Middle Name Street Address Mother _________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Street Address ____________________________________ City/State/Zip Telephone No. (b) Adult Brother and Sisters of the Minor (State whether brother or sister): _________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Street Address ____________________________________ City/State/Zip Telephone No. _________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Street Address ____________________________________ City/State/Zip Telephone No. _________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Street Address ____________________________________ City/State/Zip Telephone No. (c) Other Adult Close Relatives of the Minor (State relationship- i.e. aunt, etc.): Last Name _________________________________ First Name Middle Name Street Address ____________________________________ City/State/Zip Telephone No. _________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Street Address ____________________________________ City/State/Zip Telephone No. _________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Street Address ____________________________________ City/State/Zip Telephone No. _________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Street Address ____________________________________ City/State/Zip Telephone No. 5. The value of the minor(s) real and personal estate, if any, is listed on Schedule A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 6. The amount of the minor(s) anticipated gross annual income and other receipts, if any, is listed on Schedule A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 7. (a) (b) The proposed guardian's name is ___________________________________. Last Name First Name Middle Name The proposed guardian is related to the minor(s) in the following manners: Circle One: Mother Father Grandmother Grandfather Brother Sister Aunt Uncle Other (specify):_______________________________________. 4 American LegalNet, Inc. (c) The proposed guardian's age is ____________years. (d) The proposed guardian's address is: _________________________________ Street Address City/State/Zip _________________________________________________ County Telephone No. (e) The proposed guardian's occupation is:______________________________. (f) The proposed guardian is a U.S. citizen (Required by Statue) ( ) Yes ( ) No (g) Is proposed guardian a convicted felon? ( ) Yes ( ) No 8. Petitioner states that it is necessary or convenient that a guardian of the person of the above minor(s) be appointed because (Petitioner must explain fully why a guardian should by appointed, e.g., for school purposes, medical purposes, etc.):__________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. If appointment of a guardian will result in the minor(s) attending school different from that in which minor is presently enrolled, petitioner has attached hereto a letter from the appropriate school official agreeing to allow the minor(s) to enroll in said school. ______________________________ Petitioner's Signature ______________________________ Street Address City/State/Zip Telephone No. Subscribe and sworn to before me on this___________day of ___________________, 20_____. SEAL ______________________________ Notary Public or Clerk of the Circuit Court Attach to Petition: (1) Nomination, if applicable. (2) Schedule A- Listing of Minor(s) Pro