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Wage Deduction Notice Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Stephenson Local County.
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Tags: Wage Deduction Notice, Illinois Local County, Stephenson
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT STEPHENSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS } Plaintiff(s), Judgment Creditor } } } VS. No. } } Defendant(s). } } Judgment Debtor Name and Address of attorney for Judgment Creditor Judgment Debtor: or of Judgment creditor if not represented by an (insert last known address) attorney: Name Name Address Address City City Phone Phone Amount of Judgment: $ Balance Due: $ Name of Employer: Return Date: WAGE DEDUCTION NOTICE NO TICE: Th e cour t has issu ed a wag e deducti on summons ag ainst the em ployer named abov e for wages due or about t o become due to you. The w age deduction summons was issu ed on the basis of a judg ment against y ou in favor of the judg ment cr editor in the am oun t stated abov e. This judg ment is a lien on the judg ment debtors w ages un til the total amoun t due is paid. The amount of wag es that m ay be deductieds lim ited b y fed eral and Illi nois law. (1) Und er Illino is law, t he amoun t of wages t hat may be deducted is lim it ed to the lesser of (i) 15% of gross week ly wages or (ii) the am oun t by wh ich disposab le earn ings for a week exceed the t otal of 45 times the federal m inimum h ourly wage. (2) Under federal l aw, t he am ount of wages that may be dedu cted is lim ited t o the li ttlest of (i) 25 % of di spos able earnings for a we ek or (ii) the am ount by which disposable earnings for a we ek exceed 30 tim es t he federal m in imum hourly wage. (3) Pen sion and reti rement benefits and refunds m ay be clai med as ex empt from wage dedu ction under Illi nois law. You h ave the right to request a hearing before the cour t to dispute the wage dedu ction because the wages are exem pt. To ob tain a hearing, y ou must no tif y t he cl erk of the cour t in writing at nd 15 N . Galena, 2 Floo r, Freepo rt, IL. 61032 on or before th e return date sp ecif ied above. Th e Clerk of the Court will prov ide a h earing d andate t he necessary form s th at must be prepared by you or your attorney and sen t to the judg ment cred itor and the employer, or their att orn ey, regarding the time and location of the h earing. This notice may be sent b y regu lar first call mail. American LegalNet, Inc.