Objections To Application Of Stephenson County Collector For Judgment For Taxes
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Objections To Application Of Stephenson County Collector For Judgment For Taxes Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Stephenson Local County.
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Tags: Objections To Application Of Stephenson County Collector For Judgment For Taxes, Illinois Local County, Stephenson
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, STEPHENSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS CASE NUMBER Plaintiff Objector, OBJECTIONS TO THE APPLICATION OF THE STEPHENSON COUNTY vs COLLECTOR FOR JUDGMENT FOR TAXES COUNTY COLLECTOR, Defendant. NOW COMES THE OBJECTOR, ( ) with counsel ( ) pro se 1. Objection is made for the reasons checked below: ( ) The assessed valuation exceeds 33 of the% fair market value of the real estate. ( ) The assessed valuation was contrary to the law. ( )The assessed valuation was placed contrary to the law in that the assessor failed to comply with his/her duties. ( ) That said taxes are contrary to te eqh ualization requirements within the township. ( ) That said taxes are contrary to the equalization requirements within the county. th ( ) That the taxes are contrary to the amen14dment of the United States Constitution and Article 1, Sec. 2 and Article 9, Sec. 2 and 4 of the Illinois Constitution (1970). ( ) 2. The objector is the owner of the premises inp Stehenson County, Illinois against which taxes were levied and paid under protest as follows: TAXING BODIES YOUR PROPOSED AMOUNT OF AMOUNT OF PROPERTY CODE IN TAX CODE AMT OF TAX TAX PAID TAX PROTESTED 3. Objector has paid said taxes in full but under protest. SIGNATURE: Name: Address: City: Telephone: American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com