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Complaint In Forcible Entry And Detainer Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Will Local County.
Tags: Complaint In Forcible Entry And Detainer, 19E, Illinois Local County, Will
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Plaintiff(s) vs _______________________________________ _______________________________________ CASE NO. ___________________________________ Defendant(s) COMPLAINT IN FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER Plaintiff(s), ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name/Names) allege(s) that (s)he is entitled to possession of the following described premises, located at _________________ ___________________________________________, ____________________________, Will County, Illinois, (Address) (City, Village, Town) and that the defendant(s) unlawfully withheld possession thereof from plaintiff(s), and furthermore is /are indebted plaintiff(s) for rent of said premises in the sum of $_________________________________________. Wherefore, plaintiff(s) pray that judgment against the defendant(s) for possession of said premises, and for the sum of $________________________________________ and costs of suit. Dated ________________________, 20_____ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ (Plaintiff/ Attorney for Plaintiff) AFFIDAVIT FOR RENT DUE Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/1-109, _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ (Plaintiff(s) Name/Names) on oath under penalty of perjury states that the demand of the plaintiff(s) in said cause is for possession of said premises and rent thereof for the months of _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ and that the amount due to the plaintiff(s) from the defendant(s) after allowing to the defendant(s) all just deductions, credits and setoffs, if any, is _________________________________ Dollars and Cents. Attorney or Party, if not represented by an attorney Name _____________________________________ Dated ________________________, 20_____ ARDC # ___________________________________ Firm Name _________________________________ _____________________________________ Attorney for ________________________________ Address ____________________________________ _____________________________________ (Plaintiff) City & Zip __________________________________ Telephone __________________________________ ANDREA LYNN CHASTEEN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF WILL COUNTY Orig. � Court Copy � Plaintiff Copy � Defendant American LegalNet, Inc. 19E Revised (01/17)