Jury Demand
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Jury Demand Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Will Local County.
Tags: Jury Demand, 17C, Illinois Local County, Will
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Plaintiff vs __________________________________________________ CASE NO: _________________________________ __________________________________________________ Defendant JURY DEMAND Plaintiff in the above entitled cause demands a jury as to the following: Defendant Small Claims Six (6) Person Jury Demand Small Claims Twelve (12) Person Jury Demand Probate Jury Demand All Other Civil Matters: Six (6) Person Jury Demand Twelve (12) Person Jury Demand Ordinance Violation Jury Demand __________________________________________ (Signature) Attorney or Party, if not represented by Attorney Name _____________________________________ ARDC # ___________________________________ Firm Name _________________________________ Attorney for ________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City & Zip Code ____________________________ Telephone _________________________________ ANDREA LYNN CHASTEEN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF WILL COUNTY Original � Court Copy � Plaintiff Copy � Defendant American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 17C Revised (12/16)