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CC-213 Subpoena STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO ) ) SS The People of the State of Illinois To the Sheriff of Winnebago County, Greetings CASE NO. _______________________ WE COMMAND YOU TO SUMMON____________________________________________________ Before the Circuit Court, __________________________, of said County at the Courthouse in Rockford on the ________day of ______________________, 20_____ at _____o'clock in room ____, to testify and the truth to speak on behalf of the __________________________________ in a cause now pending in said Court, wherein ___________________________________ Plaintiff and __________________________________ Defendant. And have you then and there this Writ with a return thereon; showing in what manner you shall have executed the same. WITNESS, THOMAS A. KLEIN, Clerk of said Court, and seal thereof, at his office in Rockford in said Winnebago County this _______day of (Seal of Court) _______________________A.D. 20_____ ___________________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court ___________________________________ Deputy Clerk State of Illinois County of Winnebago ) ) SS I have duly served the within Writ by reading the same to the within named _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ As I am hereby commanded, this ________ day of _____________________________, 20 _____. ________________________________ Sheriff By _____________________________Deputy SHERIFF'S FEES Services................... $_________ Copy....................... $_________ Cost of mailing copies.. $_________ Mileage.................... $_________ Return...................... $_________ Total........................ $_________ American LegalNet, Inc.