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Illinois Business Site Location Information Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Department Of Revenue Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Illinois Business Site Location Information, Schedule REG-1-L, Illinois Secretary Of State, Department Of Revenue
Illinois Department of Revenue
Schedule REG-1-L Illinois Business Site Location Information
Attach to Form REG-1.
Business name: _________________________________________
Contact for this schedule:_________________________________
______ - __________________
_________ - ______ - ____________
(Proprietorship only)
Phone: (_____) ______ - ___________
Read this information first.
Complete Schedule REG-1-L, to identify all Illinois locations from which you will make retail sales, rent/lease vehicles, and/or rent or lease
hotel rooms to the public for periods of less than 30 days. You must also identify the same location you did on Form REG-1, Line 4, if the
activities at that location include retail sales or rental/leases. In Illinois some tax rates vary based upon the specific location of the business
activities. The location of your business will determine the tax rate that we will preprint on your return. We recognize three types of locations:
Permanent - Examples include a building, warehouse, or storefront. To identify these, complete Step 1.
Changing - A changing location is one that constantly changes (i.e., door-to-door sales, home party sales). If you have
changing locations, complete Step 2. You must identify sales from a vending machine as a changing location.
Temporary - Examples include a fair, festival, or convention. To identify temporary locations, complete Step 3. Special events or
seasonal sales should also complete Step 3.
To identify more locations, attach a sheet using a similar format. If you have previously registered and need to add a location, call us at 217 785-3707.
Step 1: Identify each permanent location.
Permanent Location 1:
Permanent Location 3:
DBA name:____________________________________________
DBA name:____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Street address - No PO Box numbers
Apt. or suite no.
Street address - No PO Box numbers
Apt. or suite no.
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
Contact: ____________________ Phone: (____)____ - _______
Contact: ____________________ Phone: (____)____ - _______
Starting date for this location: ____/____/_______
Starting date for this location: ____/____/_______
Check all of your activities at this location:
Check all of your activities at this location:
Retail sales
Sales Renting/leasing
Check if your rental/lease agreements are for more than12 months:
Hotel room rental to the public for periods less than 30 days.
Do you charge for telecommunication services? ___yes ___no
Other: ______________________________________________
Retail sales
Sales Renting/leasing
Check if your rental/lease agreements are for more than12 months:
Hotel room rental to the public for periods less than 30 days.
Do you charge for telecommunication services? ___yes ___no
Other: ______________________________________________
Permanent Location 2:
Permanent Location 4:
DBA name:____________________________________________
DBA name:____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Street address - No PO Box numbers
Apt. or suite no.
Street address - No PO Box numbers
Apt. or suite no.
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
Contact: ____________________ Phone: (____)____ - _______
Contact: ____________________ Phone: (____)____ - _______
Starting date for this location: ____/____/_______
Starting date for this location: ____/____/_______
Check all of your activities at this location:
Check all of your activities at this location:
Retail sales
Sales Renting/leasing
Check if your rental/lease agreements are for more than12 months:
Hotel room rental to the public for periods less than 30 days.
Do you charge for telecommunication services? ___yes ___no
Other: ______________________________________________
Retail sales
Sales Renting/leasing
Check if your rental/lease agreements are for more than12 months:
Hotel room rental to the public for periods less than 30 days.
Do you charge for telecommunication services? ___yes ___no
Other: ______________________________________________
Schedule REG-1- L (R-04/10)
American LegalNet, Inc.
Step 2: Identify each changing location
A changing location is one that constantly changes (i.e., door-to-door sales, home party sales).
Changing Location 1:
Changing Location 4:
DBA name:____________________________________________
DBA name:____________________________________________
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
Starting date: ____/____/_______
Starting date: ____/____/_______
Changing Location 2:
Changing Location 5:
DBA name:____________________________________________
DBA name:____________________________________________
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
Starting date: ____/____/_______
Starting date: ____/____/_______
Changing Location 3:
Changing Location 6:
DBA name:____________________________________________
DBA name:____________________________________________
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
Starting date: ____/____/_______
Starting date: ____/____/_______
Step 3: Identify each temporary location
Examples include fairs, festivals, or special events. Seasonal sales (i.e., trade-shows, holiday sales, concession stands) are considered a temporary location.
Temporary Location 1:
Temporary Location 2:
DBA name:____________________________________________
DBA name:____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Street address - No PO Box numbers
Apt. or suite no.
Street address - No PO Box numbers
Apt. or suite no.
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
County:______________________ If located within Madison or
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
St. Clair county, tell us your township: _______________________
Contact: ____________________ Phone: (____)____ - _______
Contact: ____________________ Phone: (____)____ - _______
Starting date for this location: ____/____/_______
Starting date for this location: ____/____/_______
Vehicle sales
Other: ___________________________________________
Check if your business activities are seasonal or for a special
event. Provide the following dates.
Starting: ____/____/_______
Vehicle sales
Other: ___________________________________________
Check if your business activities are seasonal or for a special
event. Provide the following dates.
Ending: ____/____/_______
Starting: ____/____/_______
Schedule REG-1- L (R-04/10)
Ending: ____/____/_______
American LegalNet, Inc.