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Responsible Party Information Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Department Of Revenue Secretary Of State.
Tags: Responsible Party Information, Schedule REG-1-R, Illinois Secretary Of State, Department Of Revenue
Illinois Department of Revenue
Schedule REG-1-R
Responsible Party Information
Attach to Form REG-1 or fax to us at 217 785-6013.
Business name: _________________________________________
Contact for this schedule: __________________________________
______ - __________________
_________ - ______ - ____________
(Proprietorship only)
Phone: (__ __ __) ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___
Read this information first.
Complete this schedule and attach it to Form REG-1, Illinois Business Registration Application, to identify the person(s) who will be responsible for filing returns and paying taxes due. If you need to identify more, attach a separate sheet using a similar format.
Step 1: Identify the person(s) responsible for filing your business’ returns and paying all tax due
Printed legal name:_______________________________________
_________ - ______ - ____________
Legal address: __________________________________________
Phone: (_____) ______ - ___________
Check all for which you are responsible:
Sales and use taxes and fees
Motor vehicle renting tax
Withholding income tax
Motor fuel and related taxes
All taxes and fees
Excise taxes and fees- Identify tax/fee: _____________________________
Other: __________________________________________________________
Under penalties of perjury, I state that I have examined this information and, to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct,
and complete. I further attest that I will be responsible for filing returns and paying the taxes indicated.
Signature: ______________________________________________
Title: ______________________
If you need to identify another person, complete the following:
Printed legal name:_______________________________________
_________ - ______ - ____________
Legal address:__________________________________________
Phone: (_____) ______ - ___________
Check all for which you are responsible:
Sales and use taxes and fees
Motor vehicle renting tax
Withholding income tax
Motor fuel and related taxes
All taxes and fees
Excise taxes and fees- Identify tax/fee: _____________________________
Other: __________________________________________________________
Under penalties of perjury, I state that I have examined this information and, to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct,
and complete. I further attest that I will be responsible for filing returns and paying the taxes indicated.
Signature: ______________________________________________
Title: ______________________
If you need to identify another person, complete the following:
Printed legal name:_______________________________________
Legal address:__________________________________________
Phone: (_____) ______ - ___________
Sales and use taxes and fees
Motor vehicle renting tax
Withholding income tax
_________ - ______ - ____________
Motor fuel and related taxes
All taxes and fees
Excise taxes and fees- Identify tax/fee: _____________________________
Other: __________________________________________________________
Under penalties of perjury, I state that I have examined this information and, to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct,
and complete. I further attest that I will be responsible for filing returns and paying the taxes indicated.
Signature: ______________________________________________
Title: ______________________
Schedule REG-1-R (R-04/10)
American LegalNet, Inc.