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Application To Adopt Change Cancel Or Renew Assumed Name Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Limited Liability Company Secretary Of State.
Tags: Application To Adopt Change Cancel Or Renew Assumed Name, LLC-1.20, Illinois Secretary Of State, Limited Liability Company
1.Limited Liability Company name:2.State or country under the laws of which the company is organized: (check one)002Illinois (domestic) 002Foreign (specify): 3.Check this box 002if it is a Series of the Limited Liability Company that intends to adopt, change, cancel or renew an assumedname.Name of Series: 4.TO ADOPT:The Limited Liability Company or Series intends to adopt and transact business under the assumed name of:5.TO CHANGE:(a)The above-named Limited Liability Companyor Series intends to cease transacting businessunder theassumed name of:(b) and to commence transacting business under the newassumed name of: 6.TO CANCEL:The above-named Limited Liability Company or Series intends to cease transacting business under the assumed name of:7.TO RENEW:The above-named Limited Liability Company or Series intends to renew the assumed name of: 8.The undersigned affirms, under penalties of perjury, having authority to sign hereto, that this Application to Adopt, Change,Cancel or Renew an Assumed Name is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete.Dated: , Month/Day YearSignatureName and Title (type or print)If applicant is signing for a company or other entity, state name of company or entity.FormLLC-1.20July 2017Illinois Limited Liability Company ActApplication to Adopt, Change, Cancel or Renew an Assumed Name Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. December 2017 204 1 204 LLC 15.14 SUBMIT IN DUPLICATEType or print clearly.Filing Fee (See Note): $Approved:Secretary of State Department of Business ServicesLimited Liability Division501 S. Second St., Rm. 351Springfield, IL Payment may be made by checkpayable to Secretary of State. Ifcheck is returned for any reason thisfiling will be void. This space for use by Secretary of State.FILE #(see note)(see note)(see note)(see note) American LegalNet, Inc. LLC-1.20NOTE:a.An assumed name may be adopted in five-year increments. The right to use an assumed name shall beeffective from the date of filing by the Secretary of State until the first day of the anniversary month of theLimited Liability Company that falls within the next calendar year evenly divisible by 5. b.The filing fee to adopt an assumed name is $150 for each year or part thereof ending in 0 or 5; $120 for eachyear or part thereof ending in 1 or 6; $90 for each year or part thereof ending in 2 or 7; $60 for each year or part thereof ending in 3 or 8; or $30 for each year or part thereof ending in 4 or 9.c.The fee to change an assumed name is $25.d.The fee for canceling an assumed name is $5.e.The fee to renew an assumed name is $150. An assumed name may be renewed 60 days prior to the expirationof the right to use the assumed name, for a period of five years, by making an election to do so at the time of filing the Annual Report and by paying the renewal fees as prescribed by this Act.f.A penalty of $100 will apply to any assumed name renewed on or after the first day of the company's anniversarymonth. If the assumed name is not renewed within the 60 days commencing with the first day of thecompany's anniversary month, the right to use the assumed name shall cease. American LegalNet, Inc.