Application-Transfer-Cancellation Of Reserved Name
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Application-Transfer-Cancellation Of Reserved Name Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Limited Liability Company Secretary Of State.
Tags: Application-Transfer-Cancellation Of Reserved Name, LLC-1.15, Illinois Secretary Of State, Limited Liability Company
a) Limited Liability Company Name to be reserved:Name of Applicant: Address of Applicant: The undersigned hereby applies for reservation of the above listed Limited Liability Company name for a period of 90 . .days. This document is optional and, once filed, it does not establish a Limited Liability Company. Dated , . b) The undersigned hereby transfers to the right to use the name for LLCpurposes in Illinois. This name was reserved on , .The undersigned affirms, under penalties of perjury, that the facts stated herein are true. Dated , . FormLLC-1.15May 2012Illinois Limited Liability Company Acta) Application to Reserve a Nameb) Transfer of Reserved Namec) Cancellation of Reserved NameThe LLC name must contain the words 215Limited Liability Company216, L.L.C. or LLC and cannot contain the terms Corporation, Corp., Incorporated, Inc.,Ltd., Co., Limited Partnership, or L.P.Month & DaySignature of ApplicantName of Original ApplicantName of TransfereeAddress of TransfereeName and Title (type or print)If applicant is a Company or other Entity, state Name of Company.YearMonth & DayYearMonth/DaySignature of Original ApplicantName and Title (type or print)If applicant is a Company or other Entity, state Name of Company.YearPrinted by authority of the State of Illinois. December 2017 204 1 204 LLC 16.9 This space for use by Secretary of State.Filing Fee: a) $25 b) $25 c) $5Approved: SUBMIT IN DUPLICATEType or print clearly.APPLICATION TO RESERVE A NAMENOTICE OF TRANSFER OF RESERVED NAMESecretary of State Department of Business ServicesLimited Liability Division501 S. Second St., Rm. 351Springfield, IL Payment may be made by checkpayable to Secretary of State. Ifcheck is returned for any reason thisfiling will be void. This space for use by Secretary of State.FILE # Number Street Suite City, State Zip Code American LegalNet, Inc. c) The undersigned hereby voluntarilycancels the right to use the namefor LLCpurposes in Illinois. This name was reserved on , .I affirm, under penalties of perjury, that the facts stated herein are true, correct and complete. Dated , . Name of Original ApplicantMonth & DayYearMonth & DaySignature of Original ApplicantName and Title (type or print)If applicant is a Company or other Entity, state Name of Company.Year NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVED NAMELLC-1.15 American LegalNet, Inc.