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Articles Of Amendment Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Limited Liability Company Secretary Of State.
Tags: Articles Of Amendment, LLC-5.25, Illinois Secretary Of State, Limited Liability Company
1.Limited Liability Company name:2.Articles of Amendment effective on:002002the file date002002a later date (not to exceed 30 days after the file date)Month, Day, Year3.Articles of organization are amended as follows (check applicable item(s) below):002002a)Admission of a new manager (give name and address below)*002002b)Withdrawal of a manager (give name below)002002c)Change in address of the office at which the records required by Section 1-40 of the Act are kept (give new ad-dress, a P.O. Box alone or C/O is unacceptable)002002d)Change of registered agent and/or registered agent220s office (give new name and/or address below, address changeto P.O. Box alone or C/O is unacceptable)002002e)Change in the Limited Liability Company220s name (give new name below)**002002f)Change in date of dissolution (state perpetual or date of dissolution below)002002g)Establish authority to issue series (fee $300, see NOTE)002002h)Other (give information in space below)**Only managers and any member with the authority of manager are required to be reported.Additional information:FormLLC-5.25July 2017Illinois Limited Liability Company ActArticles of Amendment SUBMIT IN DUPLICATEType or print clearly.Filing Fee: $50Approved:Secretary of State Department of Business ServicesLimited Liability Division501 S. Second St., Rm. 351Springfield, IL Payment may be made by checkpayable to Secretary of State. Ifcheck is returned for any reason thisfiling will be void. This space for use by Secretary of State.FILE # American LegalNet, Inc. **New name of LLC (as changed):A professional LLC registered with the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional regulations must contain theterm Professional Limited Liability Company, PLLC or P.L.L.C. in its name. The specific professional service must alsobe stated in its purpose.(continued)Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. October 2018 204 1 204 LLC 11.20LLC-5.254.The amendment was approved in accordance with Section 5-25 of the Illinois Limited Liability Company Act.5.I affirm, under penalties of perjury, having authority to sign hereto, that these Articles of Amendment are to the best ofmy knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete.Dated: , Month/DayYearSignatureName and Title (type or print)If applicant is signing for a company or other entity, state name of company or entity.NOTE: The following paragraph is adopted when Item 3g is checked:The operating agreement provides for the establishment of one or more series. When the company has filed a Certificate ofDesignation for each series, which is to have limited liability pursuant to Section 37-40 of the Illinois Limited Liability Com-pany Act, the debts, liabilities and obligations incurred, contracted for or otherwise existing with respect to a particular se-ries shall be enforceable against the assets of such series only, and not against the assets of the Limited Liability Companygenerally or any other series thereof, and unless otherwise provided in the operating agreement, none of the debts, liabili-ties, obligations or expenses incurred, contracted for or otherwise existing with respect to this company generally or any otherseries thereof shall be enforceable against the assets of such series. American LegalNet, Inc.