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Freedom Of Information Act Request Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Liquor Control Commission Statewide.
Tags: Freedom Of Information Act Request, Illinois Statewide, Liquor Control Commission
State of Illinois Liquor Control Commission
Governor Pat Quinn Acting Chairman Stephen Schnorf
Contact: Illinois Department of Revenue FOIA Officer
Tel: (217) 782-0985 Fax: (217) 524-3402
Requestor’s Name, Firm or Other Affiliation
Requestor’s Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Telephone (Including area code)
Business Organization or Status :
___ Private, For-Profit, Commercial
___ Private, Not-For-Profit
___ Media
___ Student, Researcher
___ Industry Association
___ Attorney, Litigants
___ Unit of Local, National Government
___ Other State Agencies
(For official use only)
Requestor’s Signature and Date of Request
DESCRIPTION OF INFORMATION REQUESTED: (If requesting license information, please indicate if
you require a copy of the license, including the valid date required, or the license application.)
___ Copies ___ Inspect Documents ___ Special Request (Must use attached data request form)
Requested information is enclosed.
Information will be produced upon receipt of payment of $_________.
Information may be inspected at this office on _____________, 20__.
Request creates an undue burden on a public body in accordance with §3(f) of
the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, and this office was not able to negotiate
a more reasonable request.
_____ Information requested are exempt under §7___ of the Illinois Freedom of
Information Act for the Following Reasons:_____________________________.
_____ In accordance with §3(d) of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, the request
is delayed for the following reasons: __________________________________.
You will be notified by __________, 20__, as to the action taken on the request.
RIGHT OF APPEAL: If desired, submit a copy of the denied request along with a written statement of
reasons in support as your appeal of the forgoing decision to: Brian Hamer, Director, Illinois Department
of Revenue, 101 West Jefferson Street, Springfield, Illinois 62702.
George Logan, Acting IDOR FOIA Officer
Date of Reply
Mail to: Illinois Department of Revenue, 101 W Jefferson Street, MC 6-595, Springfield, IL 62702
American LegalNet, Inc.