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Request For Import Authorization Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Liquor Control Commission Statewide.
Tags: Request For Import Authorization, Illinois Statewide, Liquor Control Commission
Requests for Import Authorization:
Generally, individuals are not permitted to import more than one gallon of alcoholic beverages into Illinois. Illinois
is a “Three-Tier” system in which all alcohol greater than one gallon passes first from importers or manufacturers to
distributors and then to retailers before finally being offered for sale to consumers.
The Commission, however, can make exceptions on a case by case basis for individuals who are returning or moving to
Illinois from overseas with personal collections of alcoholic beverages. The following information is provided to you as a
courtesy by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission and does not guarantee your Request for Import Authorization
will be granted. Each request will be reviewed by the Commission’s staff with an eye toward determining if the alcohol
requested for import is of a “saleable” quality or quantity. A final determination will be made by the Commission’s
Executive Director; if approved, Import Authorization will be issued within one to two days of receipt of the Request.
The United States Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Customs and Border Security should be contacted
prior to requesting Import Authorization from the Illinois Liquor Control Commission. Those agencies will have
federal requirements for the importation of alcohol, including excise tax and duties that must be paid to the Federal
Government. U.S. Customs will also require authorization from the state into which the alcohol is to be imported. If
the final destination of the alcoholic beverage you wish to import is in a state other than Illinois, you must contact that
state’s alcoholic beverage control authority, even if your imported alcohol passes through the State of Illinois. U.S.
Customs will hold the imported alcoholic beverage at a port of entry such as O’Hare International Airport until
presented with authorization from the state of final destination for the product.
The importation of alcohol into the State of Illinois for personal consumption only and not for resale in any form, is
allowed with: 1) Prior authorization by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission; and 2) Payment of the required “Use
Tax” to the Illinois Department of Revenue. Both the import authorization and a receipt for the taxes paid are required for U.S. Customs officials to the release the imported alcohol from its port of entry.
A request for Import Authorization from the State of Illinois must be received in writing. Please use the enclosed
Request for Import Authorization form when submitting your request. Once the Commission has received this information, we shall review the request and, if appropriate, issue the Import Authorization. We will send the original to
the address specified on the attached, forward a copy to the Illinois Department of Revenue, and keep a copy for our
records. If the importer wishes to have an additional copy faxed to another location, such as your current residence
overseas, please include that number in the letter as well (we cannot issue Authorizations over e-mail at this time).
The Illinois Liquor Control Commission makes no judgment or decision regarding any tax liability resulting from the
importation of the aforementioned alcoholic beverage. It is solely your responsibility to insure that all tax obligations
to the Illinois Department of Revenue have been met. Please read the instructions and complete the enclosed Illinois
Use Tax Return (Form ST-44) and send it to the address listed on the form. If you have any further questions
regarding taxation issues, please contact Taxpayer Services at 800-732-8866 at the Illinois Department of Revenue.
Please note, the above procedure is an exception to the general prohibition against importing alcoholic beverages
outside of the “three tier” system. This procedure is not intended to be used by individuals for bulk purchases of
alcohol overseas. Under no circumstances is any alcohol imported in the above fashion to be resold in any form.
Existing Illinois licensees who import alcoholic beverages in a manner not proscribed by the Illinois Liquor Control
Act are subject to revocation of their license. Individuals reselling alcoholic beverages without a requisite Illinois
Liquor license are subject to criminal penalties.
Ivan Fernandez
Legal Counsel
Illinois Liquor Control Commission
American LegalNet, Inc.
Illinois Liquor Control Commission • Pat Quinn, Governor
Send this page ONLY to: Ivan Fernandez, 100 W. Randolph St, Suite 7-801, Chicago, IL 60601
Fax: 312-814-2241 • Email:
WHY DO YOU NEED IMPORT AUTHORIZATION? (If necessary, please attach separate sheet)
FAX NO. (if requesting faxed copy of import approval)
SOCIAL SECURITY NO. (or resident visa no.)
(no. of bottles, (ie. a typical wine
DOLLAR VALUE (for example, wine
cans, etc.)
bottle = 750 ml)
(per bottle, can, etc.) is typically 9-14%)
(beer, wine, spirits, etc.) OF BEVERAGE
American LegalNet, Inc.
Illinois Department of Revenue
Rev 02
Form 019
RC NS DP CA E S __/__/__
Illinois Use Tax Return
Step 1: Identify yourself
Your name______________________________________
Daytime phone number (______)_______- _________
Number and street_______________________________
Social Security number _______ - _____ - _________
______ - ________________
City, state, ZIP__________________________________
Step 2: Figure the Illinois Use Tax
(Please round figures to whole dollars.)
1 Write the date of your last purchase of general merchandise
If you are filing on an annual basis, write the year only. Otherwise, write the entire date.
1a Write the total cost of general merchandise
you purchased outside of Illinois to use in Illinois.
Month Day
1a _______________|_____
1b Multiply Line 1a by 6.25% (.0625).
2a Write the total cost of qualifying food, drugs, medical appliances,
and diabetic supplies, such as insulin and syringes, you
purchased outside of Illinois to use in Illinois.
2a _______________|_____
2b Multiply Line 2a by 1% (.01).
3 Add Lines 1b and 2b. This is your use tax on purchases.
4 Write the amount of sales tax you paid to another state (not to another country)
on the items included on Lines 1a and 2a.
Step 3: Figure the total amount you owe
(Please round figures to whole dollars.)
5 Compare Line 3 and Line 4. If Line 4 is equal to or greater than Line 3, you do not
owe use tax. If Line 3 is greater than Line 4, subtract Line 4 from Line 3.
This is the total amount you owe.
Step 4: Sign below
Under penalties of perjury, I state that I have examined this return and, to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct, and complete.
Your signature
See next page for instructions.
DO NOT attach your check OR this form to any other return.
MAKE your check payable to the “Illinois Department of Revenue.”
MAIL all other forms separately.
WRITE your SSN and “ST-44” on your check and attach it to this form (ST-44).
MAIL this form (ST-44) to:
SPRINGFIELD, IL 62776-0001
ST-44 front (R-12/05)
This form is authorized as outlined by the Use Tax Act. Disclosure of this information is REQUIRED. Failure to provide it
may result in a penalty. This form has been approved by the Forms Management Center.
IL 492-2302
American LegalNet, Inc.
Use Tax Information and Instructions for Form ST-44
What is a use tax?
A use tax is a tax upon the privilege of using tangible personal
property in Illinois. It is designed to distribute the tax burden
fairly among Illinois consumers and to assure fair competition
between Illinois businesses and out-of-state businesses.
Illinois law requires you to pay tax at the Illinois rate when you
buy an item from another state or country to use in Illinois.
Is Illinois increasing its efforts to collect use taxes?
Yes, Illinois is increasing its efforts to collect use taxes. Illinois
shares sales information with other states and bills Illinois
residents for unpaid tax, penalty, and interest. Illinois also
gathers information on overseas purchases from the U.S.
Customs Service. (Use tax is due whether or not an item has
to be declared or is subject to duty tax.) Illinois also encourages out-of-state businesses to register and collect the tax
voluntarily as a convenience to their customers. If they do not,
we can bill their Illinois customers directly.
What forms are used to report and pay use tax on
items purchased from another state or country?
• cigarettes — Form RC-44
• motor vehicles, watercraft, aircraft, or trailers purchased
from an out-of-state dealer — Form RUT-25
• purchases made by registered retailers or
servicepersons — Form ST-1
• general merchandise (not otherwise specified) and food,
drugs, and medical appliances — Form ST-44
What forms are used to report and pay use tax due
on certain transactions that occur in Illinois?
• motor vehicle acquired by non-retail
purchase — Form RUT-50
• aircraft or watercraft acquired by gift, transfer, or
non-retail purchase — Form RUT-75
When do I owe Illinois Use Tax?
You owe Illinois Use Tax and must complete Form ST-44 if the
person or business from which you bought general merchandise or food, drugs, and medical appliances did not collect
Illinois Sales Tax (e.g., purchases from catalogs, TV advertisements, magazines, the Internet); and
If you purchase an item from another state and you properly
paid tax to the other state, you may take credit for the tax paid.
If you paid tax at a rate lower than the Illinois rate, you must
pay Illinois the difference.
When is Form ST-44 due?
If your total tax liability for the year is
• $600 or less, you may pay the tax for the entire year
(January 1 through December 31) by filing Form ST-44 on
or before April 15 of the following year; or
• greater than $600, you must pay the tax by the last day of the
month following the month in which the purchase was made.
Is there anything else I need to know about completing this form?
• When writing your figures, please use whole dollar amounts
by dropping amounts of less than 50 cents and increasing
amounts of 50 cents or more to the next higher dollar.
• MAKE your check payable to the “Illinois Department of
• DO NOT attach your check OR this form to any other return.
• WRITE your SSN and “ST-44” on your check and attach it
to this form (ST-44).
• MAIL all other forms separately.
• MAIL this form (ST-44) to:
SPRINGFIELD, IL 62776-0001
• KEEP a copy of your completed return for your records.
What if I do not file my return or pay the use tax due
on time?
You owe a late filing penalty if you do not file a processable
return by the due date and a late payment penalty if you do
not pay the amount you owe by the due date of the return.
• the items purchased are taxable in Illinois;
You can also be assessed an under reporting penalty if you
do not report your entire liability by the due date of your
return, a bad check penalty if your remittance is not honored
by your financial institution, and a cost of collection fee if
you do not pay the amount you owe within 30 days of the date
printed on an assessment.
• you will use or consume these items in Illinois; and
We will bill you for any amounts owed.
• you have not yet paid Illinois Sales Tax or an equivalent
amount to another state.
For more information, see Publication 103, Penalties and
If you paid the Illinois Use Tax due for cigarette purchases
when you filed Form RC-44, do not include the cost from
those cigarette purchases in the figure you report on Line 1a.
Note: Some out-of-state businesses collect Illinois Sales Tax,
and their customers pay the tax just as they would pay state
sales tax to an Illinois retailer. You can check your receipt or
invoice to determine if Illinois Sales Tax was collected.
When paying use tax on Form ST-44, may I take
credit for taxes paid to another country or state?
If you purchase any item from another country, you must pay
Illinois the full use tax rate.
How do I get help?
If you have questions, you may
• visit our web site at
• call our Taxpayer Assistance Division at 1 800 732-8866 or
217 782-3336
• call our TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf) at
1 800 544-5304
• write us at
PO BOX 19044
ST-44 back (R-12/05)
American LegalNet, Inc.