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Getting Started Financial Affidavit (Family & Divorce Cases) IMPORTANT: This getting started guide and the instructions are not legal advice. They are only meant to help you learn how to complete a )LQDQFLDO $IILGDYLW )DPLO\ 'LYRUFH &DVHVYour use of the forms does not guarantee you will be successful in court. To learn how to fill out the forms and file them with the court, read the +RZ WR &RPSOHWH D )LQDQFLDO $IILGDYLW )DPLO\ 'LYRUFH &DVHV instruction sheet and the instructions on the forms. Names of forms: x x )LQDQFLDO $IILGDYLW )DPLO\ 'LYRUFH &DVHV $GGLWLRQDO ,QIRUPDWLRQ IRU WKH )LQDQFLDO $IILGDYLW )DPLO\ 'LYRUFH &DVHV (if needed) To provide financial information and documents to the other party and the court in cases involving child support, children's expenses, college expenses, spousal maintenance (alimony), or attorney's fees. Divorce, parentage, and dissolution of a civil union. All other case types. Purpose of the forms: Types of cases the forms CAN be used for: Types of cases the forms CANNOT be used for: Cost to File the Form: Special information or papers needed to complete the forms: Statutes covering the forms: Where to find the forms and instruction sheet: For more information: None x Most recent income tax returns x Most recent pay stubs or other proof of income x Most recent bank statements x Other supporting documents 750 ILCS 5/501 "Temporary Relief," Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. Read the +RZ WR &RPSOHWH D )LQDQFLDO $IILGDYLW )DPLO\ 'LYRUFH &DVHV instructions that come with these forms. You may also find more information and resources at the courthouse or by going to DV-G 118.1 Find Illinois Supreme Court approved forms at: Page 1 of 1 (04/16) American LegalNet, Inc. +2: 72 &203/(7( $ ),1$1&,$/ $)),'$9,7 )$0,/< & DIVORCE &$6(6 :KDW LV D )LQDQFLDO $IILGDYLW" ,W LV D GRFXPHQW XVHG E\ WKH MXGJH WR DVVHVV \RXU LQFRPH H[SHQVHV DVVHWV DQG GHEWV 7KH LQIRUPDWLRQ \RX SURYLGH LQ WKH DIILGDYLW PXVW EH WUXH :KR PXVW FRPSOHWH D )LQDQFLDO $IILGDYLW" $Q\ SDUW\ DVNLQJ IRU RU EHLQJ DVNHG WR SD\ FKLOG VXSSRUW FKLOGUHQ¶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