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This form is approved by the Illinois Supreme Court and is required to be accepted in all Illinois Circuit Courts. DV - P 105.1 Page 1 of 6 ( 04 / 18 ) STATE OF ILLINOIS , PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE / CIVIL UNION (DIVORCE WITH CHILDREN) For Court Use Only CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY Instructions Directly above, enter the county where you will file this case. Enter your name as Petitioner . P etitioner ( First, middle, last name ) Enter the name of your spouse as Respondent. v. The Circuit Clerk will add a Case Number. Respondent ( First, middle, last name ) Case Number 1. I am Petitioner in this case. 2. I am providing the following information about where I live and where Respondent (my In 2a, if you check 223Yes,224 enter the date you started living in Illinois. spouse) lives: a . I live in Illinois Yes, since: No Date In 2b, if you check 223Yes,224 enter the date Respondent started living in Illinois. b . Respondent lives in Illinois Yes, since: No Do not know Date In 3 a , enter your age. 3 . I am providing the following information about myself: In 3b, check all boxes that apply to you. If you are employed, enter your job title and the name of your employer. a. Age : b . I am employed (c heck all that apply) : Yes No I receive Social Security benefits I am employed as: Job Title In 3c, if you want to go back to a former name, check 223Yes224 and enter that name. I am employed by: Employer Name c . I would like to go back to a maiden or a former married name: Yes No Former name: First Middle Last In 4a, enter Respondent222s age. 4 . I am providing the following information about Respondent (my spouse) : In 4b, check the box that applies. Enter Respondent222s current complete address if known . a. Age : b. I know Respondent222s current address: Yes No Address: Street, Apt # City State ZIP In 4c, enter Respondent222s current phone number. c. Phone Number : American LegalNet, Inc. Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: DV - P 105.1 Page 2 of 6 ( 04 / 18 ) In 4d, check all boxes that apply to Respondent. If Respondent is employed, enter their job title and the name of their employer. d. Respondent is employed: Yes No Do not know Respondent receives Social Security benefits Respondent is employed as : Job Title Respondent is employed by : In 4e, check the box that applies. If Respondent is on active duty with the military, you cannot use this form unless Respondent files an appearance. Employer Name e . Respondent is currently on active duty as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States of America: Yes No Do not know 5 . I am providing the following Information about the Marriage Civil Union: a. We were married/ united on: In 5, check whether it is a marriage or civil union. Date b. We were married/ united in : County State Country In 5a, enter the date you were married/ united. c . This is the first time that either Respondent or I have filed for dissolution of marriage or civil union in Illinois or any other state: Yes No In 5b, enter the county, state, and country where the marriage/ civil union happened. d . We have been separated since: Date e. Irreconcilable differences have caused the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage or civil union. In 5c, check 223Yes224 if this is the first time you or Respondent have filed for divorce from each other. 6. I am providing the following information about children: a. I am pregnant. In 5d, enter the date you separated. Yes No Respondent is the parent of the unborn child: In 6a, first check 223Yes224 if you are pregnant. Then say if the child is Respondent222s. Yes No Do not know b Respondent is pregnant. Yes No Do not know In 6b, first check 223Yes224 if Respondent is pregnant. Then say if the child is yours. I am the parent of the unborn child: Yes No Do not know In 6c, check 223None224 if you have no children with Respondent, who are under the age of 18. Otherwise, list the name and date of birth of each child in the box. c The minor children (under the age of 18) born to or adopted together by me and Respondent before or during our marriage/civil union are: None (if you check this b ox, do not complete Sections 6 (d - g) or Section 7 ) Name Date of Birth 1. 2. 3. I have listed additional minor children on the attached Additional Minor Children form. American LegalNet, Inc. Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: DV - P 105.1 Page 3 of 6 ( 04 / 18 ) In 6d, check the box that applies to the children listed in 6c. If one or more of the children live with someone else, enter the first and last name of the non-parent, and the names of the children who live with the non-parent. d . The minor children currently live: P rimarily with me . P rimarily with Respondent . W ith both of us . N ot with either parent, but with someone else : Name of Non - Parent Names of Children Living with the Non - Parent 1. 2. 3. Other places the minor children have lived in the last 5 years: City State 1. 2. 3. In the past 5 years the children have lived with someone else and not with either parent: Yes No Name of Non - Parent City State 1. 2. 3. In 6e, check 223Yes224 if the children listed in 6c have lived in Illinois for at least 6 months. e . The minor children listed in S ection 6c have lived in Illinois for the last 6 months: Yes No In 6f, check 223None224 if you have no children with Respondent who are 18 or older. Otherwise, list the name and age of each child 18 or older. f . The adult children (age 18 or older) born to or adopted together by me and the Respondent before or during our marriage/civil union are: None Name Age Disabled In School 1. Yes No Yes No 2. Yes No Yes No In 6g, check 223None224 if the only children you had during the marriage/civil union are listed in 6c and 6f. If you or Respondent separately had or adopted other children during the marriage/civil union, list their names and birthdates here. Check the box to say whether the child belongs to you or Respondent. 3. Yes No Yes No I have listed additional adult children on the attached Additional Adult Children form. g . The other children born to or adopted by either me or Respondent , but not both of us , during this marriage/civil union are: None Name Date of Birth Born t o or Adopted b y 1. Petitioner Respondent 2. Petitioner Respondent 3. Petitioner Respondent I have listed additional children on the attached Additional Other Children form. American LegalNet, Inc. Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: DV - P 105.1 Page 4 of 6 ( 04 / 18 ) In 7a, check the box that applies to the children listed in 6c. Check 223Yes224 only if there is a court order giving someone else rights to the children or if there is a current court case in which someone else is asking for rights to the children. 7 . I am providing the following information about the care of the children: a. There is another person, that is not Respondent or me, who claims to have an a llocation of parental responsibility or parenting time (custody/visitation rights) : Yes No Information about the person claiming allocation of parental responsibility or parenting t ime : Name: First Last Address: Street , Apt # City State ZIP In 7b, check the box that applies to the children listed in 6c. If there is or was another court case, enter the county and state where it is or was and whether the case is still going on. If the case is still going on, enter the next court date. b. I know of other court cases about the allocation of parental responsibility or parenting time: Yes No Information about the other court case s : Case N ame : Petitioner v. Respondent Case Location : County State Case Number: This case is still ongoing: Yes No In 7c, check the first box if you are attaching the Parenting Plan form. Check the second box if you will file it within 120 days of the date you file this Petition. The next court date is: Dat e c . Allocation of parental responsibility: I have attached my Parenting Plan form to this Petition I will file my Parenting Plan form within 120 days of the date I file this P etition In 8a, check 223Yes224 if you or Respondent have unpaid debts from after the d