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This form is approved by the Illinois Supreme Court and is required to be accepted in all Illinois Circuit Courts. AA-A 907. Page 1 of 5 (0/18) STATE OF ILLINOIS , MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE APPEARANCE & ANSWER For Court Use Only CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY I nstructions Directly above, enter the name of the county where the case was filed. Plaintiff ( Name of Bank or Mortgage Company ) Enter the name of the bank or mortgage company as Plaintiff. v. Enter your names as Defendants. Enter the Case Number from the Complaint you received. Defendants Case Number Enter your full names as Defendants. You will be called 223Defendants224 on the rest of this form even if there is only one person using this form. You can file this Appearance & Answer by yourself or with any other Defendants listed in the Complaint you received. Defendants: Your Names submit an Appearance and A nswer to the Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint as follows: A. Defendants provide the following information: 1. The address of the property that is being foreclosed is: In A1, enter the complete address of the property listed in the Complaint. Street Address , Apt # City State ZIP In A2, check 223Yes224 if you are working with your bank to try to get your mortgage loan changed so that you can keep your house. 2. Defendant s are working with a lender on getting a loan modification: Yes No 3. Defendants already have an approved loan modification: In A3, check 223Yes224 if the bank has already changed your mortgage loan. Yes No 4. Defendants are working with a housing counselor: Yes No In A4, check 223Yes224 if you are working with a housing counselor to work through your options in this mortgage foreclosure case. Also list the name of the company the housing counselor works for and the name of the housing counselor. The housing counselor works for: Housing Counseling Agency Name The housing counselor's name is: Housing Counselor's Name American LegalNet, Inc. Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: AA - A 907.4 Page 2 of 5 ( 0 3 /1 8 ) In B, enter the number and letter of each paragraph and subparagraph in the Complaint. Then check 223Agree,224 223Disagree,224 or 223Do Not Know224 for each paragraph. Check 223Agree224 if youknow all of thestatements in theparagraph are true.This means that youadmit that all thestatements are true.Check 223Disagree224 ifyou know any of thestatements in theparagraph are false.This means that youdeny that all of thestatements are true. Check 223Do NotKnow224 if you do notknow if all of thestatements in theparagraph are true orfalse. This means youdo not have enoughinformation totruthfully admit or deny the statements. B. Defendants answer the paragraphs in the Mortgage Foreclosure Complai nt as follows: Paragraph Number Subparagraph Letter (if any) Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know In B, if you run out of space, list additional paragraphs on the Additional Paragraphs for Mortgage Foreclosure Appearance & Answer form, check the box, and file it with this form. Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Defendants have attached the Additional Paragraphs for Mortgage Foreclosure Appearance & Answer form. In C, write any defenses to mortgage foreclosure that apply in your case. For a list of possible defenses, see the How to Respond to a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint. C . Defendants have the fol lowing Defenses: In C, check if you need more room and file the Additional Defenses for Mortgage Foreclosure Appearance & Answer with this form. Defendants have attached Additional Defenses for Mortgage Foreclosure Appearance & Answer form. American LegalNet, Inc. Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: AA - A 907.4 Page 3 of 5 ( 0 3 /1 8 ) D . Defendants ask the Court to: 1. Order the Plaintiff to pay us for the money we spent on court costs in this case; AND 2. Award other such relief as the court deems just and equitable; OR 3. Set a date for Defendants to appear before the judge. If you are completing this form on a computer, sign your name by typing it. If you are completing it by hand, sign and print your name. If the Complaint/Petition is verified by oath, then Defendants certify that their answers above are true and correct understand that making a false statement on this form is perjury and has penalties provided by law under 735 ILCS 5/1 - 109 . Where Defendants answer 223Do Not Know224 to paragraphs in section 2, above, Defendants certify that they do not have enough information to admit or deny the statements in these Each Defendant must sign and print their name, current addresses and phone number. You may not sign on behalf of another Defendant. paragraphs. Defendants understand that making a false statement on this form is perjury and has penalties provided by law under 735 ILCS 5/1 - 109 . /s/ Defendant Signature Defendant Printed Name 735 ILCS 2475/2-605(a) requires that if the Complaint/Petition is verified by oath that the Answer must also be verified. Street Address , Apt # City State ZIP Phone 735 ILCS 2475/2-610(b) requires that you swear to a lack of knowledge if you cannot admit or deny any of the statements in the Complaint/Petition. Defendant Signature Defendant Printed Name Street Address , Apt # City State ZIP Phone IL Supreme Court Rule 137 requires Answer/Response be signed. Defendant Signature Defendant Printed Name Street Address , Apt # If you need more room fill out and file the Additional Defendant Signatures, Names, & Addresses form with this form. City State ZIP Phone Defendants have completed the Additional Defendant Signatures, Names, & Addresses f orm . \\ PROOF OF DELIVERY In 1a, enter the name, mailing address, and email address of the party or lawyer to whom you sent the document. 1. I sent this document: a. To: Name: In 1b, check the box to show how you sent the document, and fill in any other information required on the blank lines. First Middle Last Address: Street , Apt # City State ZIP Email address: b. By: Personal hand delivery Regular, First - Class Mail, put into the U.S. Mail with postage paid at: Address of Post Office or Mailbox American LegalNet, Inc. Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: AA - A 907.4 Page 4 of 5 ( 0 3 /1 8 ) Third - party commercial carrier, with delivery paid for at: CAUTION: If the other party does not have a lawyer, you may send the document by email only if the other party has listed their email address on a court document. Name (for example, FedEx or UPS ) and office address The court's electronic filing manager (EFM) or an approved electronic filing service provider (EFSP) Email (not through an EFM or EFSP) Mail from a prison or jail at: In c, fill in the date and time that you sent the document. Name of prison or jail c. On: Date At: a.m. p.m. Time In 2, if you sent the document to more than 1 party or lawyer, fill in a, b, and c. Otherwise leave 2 blank. 2. I sent this document: a. To: Name: First Middle Last Address: Street , Apt # City State ZIP Email address: b. By: Personal hand delivery Regular, First - Class Mail, put into the U.S. Mail with postage paid at: Address of Post Office or Mailbox Third - party commercial carrier, with delivery paid for at: Name (for example, FedEx or UPS ) and office address The court's electronic filing manager (EFM) or an approved electronic filing service provider (EFSP) Email (not through an EFM or EFSP) Mail from a prison or jail at: Name o