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Subpoena Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Workers Comp.
Tags: Subpoena, IC16, Illinois Workers Comp,
Empl o v. Empl o TO: YO U Nam e FAI L TO T YOU PRE S (SEE I C16 1 D own s o yee/Petitione r o yer/Responden t U ARE COM M YOU MUST A COMMISSI O ON THE DA T MAIL THE I BY THE DA T DO NOT MA I e of person requ e L URE TO RE S T HIS SUBPO E TO THE PE N S CRIBED BY STATUTES: 8 2 1 2/14 100 W. Ra n s tate offices: Coll i IN THE N ILLI N t M ANDED TO P A PPEAR TO T O N AT THE A T E I TEMS TO T H T E I L THE ITE MS e sting this subp o S POND E NA MAY SU B N ALTIES LAW. 2 0 ILCS 305/1 6 n dolph Street #8- 2 i nsville 618/346-3 N AME OF N OIS WO R P ROVIDE TH E T ESTIFY BE F A DDRESS H E ADDRES S . MS TO THE C O o ena B JECT 6 ; RULES: 70 3 2 00 Chicago, IL 6 450 Peoria 309 / THE PE O R KERS222 C S U E FOLLOWI N F ORE THE H AT THE TI M S . YOU DO N O O MMISSIO N . Telephon 3 0.50) 6 0601 312/814-6 6 / 671-3019 Rock f O PLE OF T C OMPENS A U BPOENA N G ITEMS T H H ONORABLE M E O T NEED TO e numbe r Date 6 11 Tol l - f ree 8 6 f ord 815/98 7 -729 2 T HE STA T A TION C O Case # H AT ARE IN Y , A N APPEAR AT 6 6/352-3033 We 2 Springfield 21 7 T E OF IL L O MMISSIO N WC Y OUR POSS E N D TO BRIN G THE COMM Email add r W eb site: c 7 /785-7084 L INOIS N E SSION OR C O G THE ITEMS ISSION. r ess c O NTROL: OF THE WITH YOU. American LegalNet, Inc. The legislature changed the name of the Illinois Industrial Commission to the Illinois Workers222 Compensation Commission, effective 1/1/05. The law states that any reference to the Industrial Commission227such as those that appear below227shall be considered a reference to the Workers222 Compensation Commission. From the Rules Governing Practice Before the Industrial Commission 50 Illinois Administrative Code Section 7030.50 Subpoena Practice a ) Issuance A blank form of subpoena for the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents will be furnished by the Secretary of the Commission upon request of the parties or their attorneys. b)UseUnless otherwise agreed by the parties, witnesses or documents may only be subpoenaed to appear or beproduced at the time and place set for hearing of the cause.c ) Service Personal service of the subpoena is required and payment of statutory fee and travel expense must accompany the service. d) 1)Upon failure of any person, firm or organization to obey a subpoena of the Illinois Industrial Commission, aparty seeking enforcement of the subpoena, or his attorney, shall prepare an application to the Circuit Courtof the county in which the hearing or claim is pending requesting enforcement of the subpoena pursuant toSection 16 of the Illinois Workers' Compensation Act and shall present, file and serve on opposing partysaid application together with the original subpoena and proof of service to the Arbitrator or Commissionerdesignated to hear the said claim, or if no Arbitrator or Commission has been designated, then to theChairman of the Commission.2)A hearing pursuant to Section 7020.70 shall be held at which the Commissioner or Arbitrator to whom theapplication is presented shall determine if the subpoena requested relevant information, and was properlyissued and served and if the application is proper in form. If the said Commissioner or Arbitrator shall sofind, then, he or she shall sign the application. The party seeking enforcement of the subpoena, or hisattorney, may then file and prosecute the application in the Circuit Court.IC16 page 2 American LegalNet, Inc.