IOLTA Exemption Form
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IOLTA Exemption Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Supreme Court Appellate.
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Tags: IOLTA Exemption Form, Indiana Appellate, Supreme Court
Indiana Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts (IOLTA)
Exemption Form
Attorney Name: ________________________________________________
Supreme Court Attorney Number:
I certify that I am exempt from participation in the Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts
(IOLTA) Program for one or more of the following reasons (please check all that apply)
______ 1. I am not in the private practice of law, or my private practice of law does not involve
Indiana client trust funds, or I do not have an office within the state of Indiana.
______ 2. I am a judge, attorney general, public defender, U.S. Attorney, prosecuting attorney,
on duty with the armed services or employed by a local, state or federal government, a corporate
counsel or teacher of law and am not otherwise engaged in the private practice of law.
______3. Participation in the IOLTA program would work an undue hardship on me and/or
would be extremely impractical, based on the geographic distance between my principal office
and the closest depository institution which is participating in the IOLTA program and/or other
compelling and necessitous factors. If you have checked this line, please explain your
situation. Attach additional pages as necessary.
I certify that the information provided is accurate, to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: ________________________________________
Please fax this completed form back to the
Indiana Bar Foundation at (317) 269-2420 or via e-mail at
American LegalNet, Inc.