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Electronic Case Filing System Limited Participant Registration Form And User Agreement Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Electronic Case Filing System Limited Participant Registration Form And User Agreement, Indiana Federal, Bankruptcy Court
IMPORTANT! REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS COVER SHEET This form may be submitted in two ways: 1. DO NOT CLICK THE "Email Form" button. Instead, print the form, sign it in ink, scan and save as a pdf, then email to: 2. Or click "Email Form" to submit the unsigned form electronically. Follow up by printing the form, signing it in ink, AND then mailing the completed registration form to: US Bankruptcy Court Attn: ECF Registration 116 U.S. Courthouse 46 East Ohio Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 (NOTE: If the registration with original signature is not received within 2 weeks of our receipt of this form, your account will be locked until the registration with an original signature is received.) American LegalNet, Inc. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT Southern District of Indiana ELECTRONIC CASE FILING (ECF) SYSTEM LIMITED USER REGISTRATION FORM AND AGREEMENT Limited (rev 10/19/12) This form shall be used by parties seeking to register for a limited user account on the Court's Electronic Case Filing System. Registered users will have privileges to electronically file limited documents. (NOTE: To terminate a current limited user, complete and submit the "Termination" form on the last page. Attorneys seeking privileges to electronically file unlimited documents must complete the Attorney Registration From.) The following information is required for registration: (Incomplete or illegible forms will be returned.) First/Middle/Last Name: If this Application replaces a previous employee, name of employee you are replacing 'Replaced' Employee's Name: (See page 3 if 'terminating' and not 'replacing') Company Name: Company Address: City/State/Zip Code: Telephone: FAX : Primary E-Mail Address: Other districts in which I am certified to file electronically using CM/ECF: My signature below reflects that I have read and agree to the statements contained in the CM/ECF Limited User Agreement attached and any future requirements of the Court with respect to my electronic filing privileges. I declare, under penalty of perjury, that I am employed by the company listed above and I'm authorized by my employer to file documents on behalf of my employer. Date Signature of Applicant Printed Name of Applicant Email Form Print Form American LegalNet, Inc. Limited (rev 10/19/12) CM/ECF LIMITED USER AGREEMENT [NOTE: Detach and retain this Agreement before mailing signed Application (page one of this form) to the Court.] By signing and submitting this registration form, the undersigned agrees to abide by all Court rules, orders, and policies and procedures governing the use of the electronic filing system. The undersigned also agrees to the following terms: 1. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9011, every pleading, motion and other paper (except lists, schedules, statements or amendments thereto) shall be signed by at least one attorney of record; or if the party is not represented by an attorney, all papers shall be signed by the party. A limited user=s ID and password serve, in part, as his/her signature. Therefore, a limited user must protect and secure the password issued by the Court. If there is any reason to suspect that the password has been compromised in any way, it is the duty and responsibility of the limited user to immediately notify the Court (through the CM/ECF Help Desk). The Court will delete that password from the system and issue a new password. 2. The limited user=s signature on any pleading shall be indicated by A/s/@ and the typewritten name where the handwritten signature would otherwise appear, i.e. A/s/ John Doe.@ 3. The user ID and password for filing via the Internet shall be used exclusively by the limited user and any authorized employees. The limited user will not knowingly permit the user ID and password to be used by anyone who is not so authorized. 4. The undersigned agrees to maintain a current and active e-mail address to receive notification in CM/ECF. 5. Electronically filed documents requiring original signatures from any person other than this applicant, including employees to whom the applicant has given permission to use the applicant's password, must be maintained by this limited user applicant in paper form, bearing the original signatures, for 3 years after the closing of the case or proceeding in which the documents were filed. Upon the Court's request, the limited user must provide the originally signed documents for review. 6. If the limited user ceases to be an employee or agent of the creditor on whose behalf documents are being electronically filed with the Court, or for any other reason ceases to be authorized to file electronically on behalf of the creditor, the limited registered user will promptly notify the Clerk. 7. The Court may, sua sponte, terminate a registered limited user=s ID and password for any reason and require future documents to be filed non-electronically or in any other format specified by the Court. 8. A limited user is authorized to file limited documents. (To see the Court's CM/ECF Procedures Manual for a listing of those limited documents visit Documents_that_may_be_filed_by_limited_users.htm.) 9. Using the applicant's limited filer account to monitor general activity in any case in which this applicant has not filed a document is beyond the scope of the limited filing privileges. The limited filer account is intended for performing the specified transactions in Paragraph 8 above. In order to view and retrieve electronic docket sheets and documents available on CM/ECF, the limited user applicant will use PACER. [Note: A PACER user ID and password may be obtained from the PACER Service Center. Registration for a PACER account is available online at For assistance, call 1-800-676-6856.] 10. At any time without advance notice, the Court may terminate this limited user's account for cause, including failing to comply with this agreement, using the account beyond the scope of this agreement, causing system performance issues, failing to adequately protect the filing user password, failing to comply with provisions of the ECF Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual, or other misuse of the CM/ECF system. American LegalNet, Inc. Limited (rev 10/19/12) TERMINATION OF EMPLOYEE'S CM/ECF LIMITED USER RIGHTS I, be deleted from the active