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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF INDIANA ,) ) Plaintiff(s), v. ,) ) Defendant(s). ) REPORT OF PARTIES' PLANNING MEETING 1. In accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(f), a meeting was held on at and was attended by: for plaintiffs(s) for defendants(s) for defendants(s) ) ) ) ) CAUSE NO. 2. Pre-Discovery Disclosures. The parties [have exchanged] [will exchange by ] the information required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(1). 3. Discovery Plan. The parties jointly propose to the court the following discovery plan: [Use separate paragraphs or subparagraphs as necessary if parties disagree.] Discovery will be needed on the following subjects: (brief description of subjects on which discovery will be needed) American LegalNet, Inc. Disclosure or discovery of electronically stored information should be handled as follows: (brief description of parties' proposals) The parties have agreed to an order regarding claims of privilege or of protection as trialpreparation material asserted after production, as follows: (brief description of provisions of proposed order). The last date for the completion of all discovery is . [Discovery on to be completed by Maximum of interrogatories by each party to any other party. Maximum of requests for admission by each party to any other party. Maximum of depositions by plaintiff(s) and by defendant(s). hours unless .] Each deposition [other than of ____] limited to maximum of extended by agreement of parties. The filing of reports from retained experts under Rule 26(a)(2) due: from plaintiff(s) by from defendant(s) by Any evidentiary objections to another party's expert witness, whether directed to the witness's qualifications or to the foundation for the anticipated testimony, shall be filed by . Counsel stipulate that a failure to file such objections is waiver of any objection to opinion testimony outlined in the statement filed by the witness's proponent. Supplementations under Rule 26(e) due . American LegalNet, Inc. 4. Other Items. The last date for the plaintiff(s) to seek leave of court to join additional parties and to amend the pleadings is . The last date for the Defendant(s) to seek leave of court to join additional parties and to amend the pleadings is . The last date for the filing of all potentially dispositive motions is . The timing of filing pretrial disclosures under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26 (a)(3) shall be governed by separate order. The parties have agreed upon as mediator. Thirty (30) days before the final pretrial conference counsel will provide a written status report to the ADR administrator regarding the status of mediation. The case should be ready for [bench or jury] trial by expected to take approximately ]. [and at this time is Counsel are aware that the Court has various audio/visual and evidence presentation equipment available for use at trial at no cost to the Bar. Counsel know that this includes an evidence presentation system, which consists of a document camera, digital projector, and screen. Counsel know the projector may be used to display images which originate from a variety of sources, including television, VCR, and personal computer. The document camera may be used to display documents, photographs, charts, transparencies, and small objects. Counsel acknowledge they can contact one of the Court's courtroom deputy clerks for information or training. [Other matters Date: ] Counsel for Plaintiff(s) Counsel for Defendant(s) American LegalNet, Inc.