Motion And Order To Appear Pro Hac Vice
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Motion And Order To Appear Pro Hac Vice Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in District Court Federal.
Tags: Motion And Order To Appear Pro Hac Vice, Indiana Federal, District Court
PRO HAC VICE movant222s namepro hac vice name of party being representedi.e., list at least one federal court or highest court of any state where admitted and in good standing. Include y ear(s) o f admission Alternate: I have been disbarred or suspended from practice from the following court(s), department(s), bureau(s) or Commission(s) of any state or the UnitedStates: [list with specificity court, department, bureau American LegalNet, Inc. or commission and the nature of the discipline imposed, including date(s)]. I have received a reprimand or been subject to other disciplinary actionfrom the following court(s), department(s), bureau(s) or commission(s) pertaining to conduct or fitnessas a member of the bar: [list with specificity court, department, bureau or commission and the natureof the discipline imposed, including date(s).Seventh Circuit Standards of Professional Conduct pro hac vice pro hac vice Name of filing attorneyAddressTelephonenumberFacsimilenumberE-mail address datePro Hac Vice List attorneys and parties receiving conventional paper service with law firm name (if applicable) and postal address American LegalNet, Inc. Name o f Receivin g Attorne y LAW FIRM NAM E Street Address Cit y , State, ZIP Code Name o f Filin g Attorne y Name of firmAddressTelephonenumberFacsimilenumbe r American LegalNet, Inc. PRO HAC VICEname of applicantname of party representedpro hac vice name of applicantname of applicant222s law firmaddress of applicant222s law firmapplicant222s phone numberapplicant222s fax numberapplicant222s email address Name of Judgename of applicantname of applicant222s law firmaddress of applicant222s law firm American LegalNet, Inc.