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STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NO. 5 OF HAMILTON COUNTY ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Plaintiff(s) v. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Defendant(s) CAUSE NO. 29D05-____________________ PETITION TO DISMISS Comes now the Plaintiff(s) prior to trial or entry of judgment and respectfully petitions the Court to dismiss the small claim in the above-entitled matter for the reason that: ____ The case has been settled in full. OR ____ Other: ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ (Plaintiff to fill in blank with short explanation) Date: ________________ __________________________________ (Must be signed by Plaintiff/Attorney) American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NO. 5 OF HAMILTON COUNTY ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Plaintiff(s) v. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Defendant(s) CAUSE NO. 29D05-____________________ ORDER The above petition is now sustained. This small claim is ordered dismissed with / without prejudice. Date: ________________ ________________________________ Judge / Magistrate, Hamilton Superior Court 5 American LegalNet, Inc.