Verified Motion For Continuance
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Verified Motion For Continuance Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Hamilton Local County.
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Tags: Verified Motion For Continuance, .020, Indiana Local County, Hamilton
) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) _____________________________, Plaintiff(s), vs. _____________________________, _____________________________, Defendant(s). STATE OF INDIANA HAMILTON SUPERIOR COURT NO. 4 CAUSE NO. 29D04-_______-SC-________ VERIFIED MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE I am the PLAINTIFF/ DEFENDANT (check one) and request the Court to continue the hearing now scheduled for _______________________________, 201___, at _____:_____ ___.m., and to show as a good reason for such continuance, state under the penalties for perjury as follows: 1. I have not received a prior continuance of this case. 2. I need a continuance because: _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________. 3. I understand that, except for unusual circumstances, I will not be granted any further continuances. 4. I certify that I have or that I will mail or deliver a copy of this motion to the opposing party on today's date (the Court will deny this motion if it is not served on opposing party). Dated:__________________, 201__ Signature: Address: Telephone: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ORDER ON CONTINUANCE The Court, having reviewed the above motion for continuance, now: DENIES the motion; case remains as set for FIRST HEARING / CONTESTED TRIAL. GRANTS the motion resets this matter for a FIRST HEARING / CONTESTED TRIAL on ________________________________, 201____, at _____:_____ ___.m. Dated:___________________, 201__ Order sent by: First Class Mail sc4form.020 (revised March 1, 2010) ________________________________ Judge, Hamilton Superior Court No. 4 Sheriff of ________________ County Certified Mail American LegalNet, Inc.