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Attorney Identification Card Authorization Application Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Marion Local County.
Tags: Attorney Identification Card Authorization Application, Indiana Local County, Marion
CIRCUIT AND SUPERIOR COURTS OF MARION COUNTY, INDIANA SECURITY SCREENING POLICY FOR ATTORNEYS I. Introduction � Pursuant to the executive orders of the Circuit and Superior Courts, this Security Screening Policy for Attorneys has been approved and adopted by the Court. � The privilege is extended to members of the Bar as officers of the court. An authorized attorney identification card, approved by the Court, may be presented to a court security officer at a security screening station, permitting the attorney to enter a secured area without having his or her person or articles automatically subjected to a search. II. Conditions � The approval and issuance of an Attorney Identification Card ("I.D. Card"), is a privilege extended by order of the Circuit and Superior Courts. All attorneys granted this privilege accept the privilege subject to any and all terms and conditions set forth by the Court. These conditions include an Agreement by the attorney that he or she will not bring firearms, knives, or any other weapons or contraband into the City-County Building; that the I.D. Card is issued for the exclusive personal use of the authorized attorney, and is not to be loaned out to other persons; and that the I.D. Card will be used in accordance with the Rules of Professional Responsibility and the attorney's responsibilities as an officer of the court. The issuance of an I.D. Card may be revoked at any time at the sole discretion of the Court Administrator pursuant to the directives of the Circuit or Superior Courts. III. Application Process � Application forms may be obtained at the Indianapolis Bar Association. You may also obtain this form online at or IV. Issuance of Card � Application must be completed and brought to the Court's Jury Pool Office (2nd Floor, City-County Building), City-County Building, 200 E. Washington St., Center Tower, Room T-202, Indianapolis, IN 46204. � Hours o Thursday o Friday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm 9:30 am to 11:30 am � Once the application has been submitted and reviewed, and it is determined that the attorney is in good standing, the I.D. Card will be processed and given to the (UPDATED January 17, 2012) Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. CIRCUIT AND SUPERIOR COURTS OF MARION COUNTY, INDIANA SECURITY SCREENING POLICY FOR ATTORNEYS applicant. � The attorney must provide proof of identification with - o Any Government issued and approved photo identification like an Indiana State Driver's License or other approved photo identification. o A current and valid Indiana Supreme Court Certificate of Good Standing card ("Bar Card") must also be provided to verify the active status of the attorney's license and state attorney number. � The fee of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) must be paid at the time of the issuance of the I.D. Card. Payment may be made by personal or business check, cashier's check, or money order, made payable to "Marion County Treasurer." � The Court Administrator's office must be notified immediately if there is a change in status of the attorney applicant, such as resignation, suspension or disbarment from the practice of law, retirement, or if the card is lost or stolen. � The I.D. Card will be issued for a period of two years and shall be renewable. The Court Administrator's Office shall be the repository of all applications and shall maintain the list of all attorneys who have been issued an I.D. Card. o The next I.D. Card will be issued beginning February 23, 2012 and will be valid until December 31, 2013. � The process for annual renewal of I.D. Cards will be similar to the original application process. � If you have any questions, you may contact the Court Administrator's office at (317) 327-4747 or the Indianapolis Bar Association at (317) 269-2000. (UPDATED January 17, 2012) Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. ATTORNEY IDENTIFICATION CARD AUTHORIZATION APPLICATION Please complete and return to: Court Administrator, Marion Superior Court, 200East Washington St., #1221, Indianapolis, IN 46204 Please check applicable category: ____New Applicant ____Renewal (Expiration of I.D. Card) ____Replacement (Lost or stolen I.D. Card) ____Name Change ____Other (explain) NOTICE: The Court will be issuing new identification cards beginning about Feb 23, 2012, which will be valid until December 31, 2013. Thereafter, the cards will be renewed every two years. By signing this application, you acknowledge that you understand the card you are requesting today will not be valid next year, and no refund or credit will be given. In accordance with the Circuit and Superior Court Security Screening Policy for Attorneys, it is hereby requested that an I.D. Card be issued to the following applicant: Attorney's Full Name Attorney Number Law Firm Business Telephone Business Address City State Zip Email Address AGREEMENT I, the undersigned attorney, in exchange for and in consideration of the issuance of an attorney identification card (I.D. Card), hereby promise and agree that: 1. I will abide by all terms and conditions for the use of the I.D. Card set forth by Court policies; 2. I will not bring firearms, knives, or any other weapon or contraband into the City-County Building; 3. The I.D. Card will be used only by myself and shall not be loaned to any other person under any circumstances; 4. I will notify the Court Administrator's office immediately if there is a change in the status of my validity to practice law, or if the I.D. Card is lost or stolen, 5. I understand that the issuance of the I.D. Card is a privilege and not a right, and that the privilege may be revoked at any time, and 6. I understand that the violation by me of any of these conditions, and/or of the policies of the Court, may subject me to sanctions, including contempt of court and/or disciplinary proceedings. I swear or affirm under the penalties for perjury that the above and foregoing information is true and correct, and that I will faithfully abide by the above Agreement. Applicant Signature Office Use Only ____Request Approved ____Request Denied for the following reasons The fee of Date Ten Dollars ($10.00) must be paid at the time of the issuance of the I.D. Card. Payment may be made by personal or business check, cashier's check, or money order, made payable to "Marion County Treasurer." American LegalNet, Inc. detadpu 1102-21-21 detadpu 1102-21-21 detadpu 1102-21-21 detadpu 1102-21-