Letter Of Administration
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Letter Of Administration Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Marion Local County.
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Tags: Letter Of Administration, Indiana Local County, Marion
LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION Cause No. ______________________________ STATE OF INDIANA, MARION COUNTY, SCT: To Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting: I, Elizabeth L. White, Clerk of the Marion Superior Court, Probate Division, Within and for said County of Marion, in the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that Letters of Administration of the Estate of ____________________________ late of Marion County, deceased, who died intestate, are hereby granted to _______________________ having qualified and given bond as __________________________ is duly authorized to take upon ________self the administration of such estate according to law. WITNESS my hand seal of said Court, at Indianapolis, Indiana, This _____ day of __________________, ________ _____________________________________, Clerk TAKE NOTICE Executors and Administrators are imperatively required, among other duties: 1. To make and return a certified inventory and appraisement of the estate of the decedent within two (2) months from the issuing of letters and file the same in the Clerk's office. To close the estate as promptly as possible. Unless for good cause shown the court, the time for final accounting in the estate shall not exceed one year from the Appointment of an administrator. 2. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com