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INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Use 8275224 x 11224 white paper for attachments. 2. Please TYPE or PRINT in INK. 3. Please visit our office on the web at 4. Make check or money order payable to the Secretary of State. 5. Submit original completed paperwork and payment to: 302 West Washington Street, Room E-018, Indianapolis, IN 46204. REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must submit a certificate of existence issued by the proper authority within the last sixty (60) days. NOTE: A registered foreign entity must submit a copy of this form if there is any change in the name of the entity, the entity's jurisdiction of formation, the street address of the entity, or the registered agent information. (SOS use only) (If different from above 226 SOS use only) American LegalNet, Inc. (if any) (month, day, year) Please complete only the sections pertaining to the information that has changed. Please note: If the entity changing its name is a Foreign Master LLC, Articles of Designation changing the name of each associated Series must be submitted to the Secretary of State's office along with this Amendment. (The name must include the words Limited Liability Company-S, L.l.C.-S or LLC-S.) (The name must include the words Limited Liability Company,L.L.C. or LLC.) To determine if your Registered Agent is a Commercial Registered Agent (CRA), go to Provide either commercial registered agent or noncommercial registered agent information below. (Do not provide address.) (number and street) (A P.O. Box is not acceptable unless accompanied by a Rural Route number.) (OPTIONAL) American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc.