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Correct Or Change Of Responsible Officer Information Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Corporations Secretary Of State.
Tags: Correct Or Change Of Responsible Officer Information, ROC-1, Indiana Secretary Of State, Corporations
State Form 52039
(R2/ 10-07)
Correct / Change of
Responsible Officer Information
This form is available in a PDF ‘fillable’ format; however, it cannot be submitted electronically,
it must be printed, signed and mailed to the address below.
This form can be used to report any changes in the responsible officers for your business. Note: You cannot use this
form if the Internal Revenue Service has required you to obtain a new Federal Identification Number. A change in Federal Identification Number requires a new registration with the Indiana Department Of Revenue.
Business Information
Federal Identification Number (FEIN)
Indiana Taxpayer Identification Number (TID)
Legal Name of the Entity
Doing Business As Name (DBA)
Street Address
Zip Code
Old Responsible Officer Information
Social Security No.
Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial, Suffix
Social Security No.
Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial, Suffix
Zip Code
Effective Date
Zip Code
Begin Date
New Responsible Officer Information
I affirm that the changes provided are correct:
Signature of the Person Submitting Changes:
Printed Name of the Person Submitting Changes:
Note: This agency is requesting the disclosure of your Social Security Number in accordance with IC 4-1-8-1.
Disclosure is mandatory, this record cannot be processed without it.
Questions regarding the completion of this form may be directed to the Indiana Department of Revenue at 317-233-4015.
Mail the completed form to: Indiana Department of Revenue, Tax Administration
P.O. Box 6197, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6197
American LegalNet, Inc.
Correct/Change of Responsible Officer Information
NOTICE: All information, including the supporting documentation, must be provided
before the form will be considered to be a valid request.
If more space is needed to record your changes, you may attach a separate sheet.
Business Information Section
Please provide the following required information:
Federal (FEIN) and Indiana (TID) Identification Numbers
Legal names of the entity submitting the change request
DBA (Doing Business As) Name of the entity (if different from the legal name)
Business mailing address
Old Responsible Officer Information
Complete all applicable columns. This information is necessary to ensure we identify and
remove the correct individual.
Note: Supporting documentation establishing a separation date must be provided.
Documentation may include: Corporate Minutes, Registration Letter, Financial Documents
showing removal as a signatory of bank account, Affidavit from another officer; etc...
New Responsible Officer Information
Complete all applicable columns. This information is necessary to ensure we correctly
identify and add the new officer.
Note: Supporting documentation must be provided. Documentation may include: Corporate Minutes, Financial Documentation showing the addition of individual as Signatory
of Bank Account, Affidavit from another officer; etc...
This change/correction must be submitted and signed by an existing owner, partner
or corporate officer before it will be accepted by the Department.
Note: The individual submitting this change form request cannot be the person to be
deleted as a responsible officer.
American LegalNet, Inc.