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CD-01 Emissions Unit Compliance Status Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Enviromental Management Statewide.
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Tags: CD-01 Emissions Unit Compliance Status, 51861, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Enviromental Management
CD-01: Emissions Unit Compliance Status – INSTRUCTIONS
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The purpose of CD-01 (state form 51861) is to identify the requirements that apply to each emissions unit at the permitted
source and to determine the compliance status of these emissions units. CD-01 is a required form for all Title V permit
applications submitted to IDEM, OAQ. For the purposes of this form, the term “source” refers to the plant as a whole and
NOT to the individual emissions units.
NOTE: The Compliance Determination forms, CD-01 through CD-04, are required for a "complete" application under the
Part 70 Permitting Program (Title V) per 326 IAC 2-7-4(c), paragraphs (4), (11), (12), and (14). These forms must
be completed for each initial Title V permit application as well as each modification and every renewal.
If you have any questions, contact the Air Permit Reviewer of the Day (PROD) at (317) 233-0178 or 1-800-451-6027
extension 3-0178 (toll free call within Indiana).
Part A: Identification of Source and Emissions Unit
Part A identifies the source and the emissions unit. For the purposes of this form, the term “source” refers to the plant site
as a whole and NOT to individual emissions units.
1. Source Name:
Provide the legal name of the company that will be used to conduct official business with this source.
2. Source ID:
The source identification (ID) number consists of a three (3) digit county code and a five (5) digit source code
separated by a dash (-). Sources that have been previously permitted with the OAQ should have received a source
ID from our office. If you are planning to construct an entirely new source, you will not yet have a source ID, so you
will need to put the words “Not Applicable” on this line.
If you think you have a source ID, but you are not sure, contact the Air Permit Reviewer of the Day (PROD) at (317)
233-0178 or 1-800-451-6027 extension 3-0178 (toll free call within Indiana).
3. Emissions Unit Description:
Briefly describe the emissions unit. The description should be complete enough that an inspector can easily identify
this emissions unit at your source (e.g., South Boiler, Spray Booth #2, etc.).
4. Unit ID:
Provide the identification number for each emissions unit. The identification numbers listed on this form should
correspond to the emissions unit identified on the Plant Layout diagram and Process Flow diagram.
Part B: Regulatory Compliance Status
Part B identifies the regulatory requirements that apply to the emissions unit and to determine the compliance status of
the emissions unit. These “regulatory requirements” are those required by federal, state, or local law.
List the requirements applicable to this source. Such requirements could include existing permit requirements, such as
periodic stack testing, restrictions on throughput or operational hours, total solvent usage, etc. Indicate if the
requirements are State or Local agency requirements and if the emissions unit is in compliance. List any reporting
activities required by permit, order, statute, or rule regarding compliance that are not addressed elsewhere in the
application. If you need additional space, attach a separate page and label the page FORM CD-01, Emissions unit
Compliance Status.
5. Rule Cite:
Provide the citation of the applicable requirements determined to be applicable to this emissions unit.
6. Description:
Briefly describe the applicable requirement. Examples are NSPS (New Source Performance Standard), NESHAP
(National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants), SIP requirement, NSR/PSD permit condition, etc.
7. State/Local only:
If the applicable requirement is a state or local agency requirement, then place an "X" here.
8. Limitation:
Provide the actual limitation stated in the applicable requirement.
American LegalNet, Inc.
9. Test Method:
If the applicable requirement requires the use of a specific test method, provide the test method. If no test method is
required, place "N/A" here.
10. In Compliance (Y / N):
Indicate whether the emissions unit is in compliance with the applicable requirement. Simply place a "y" or "n" in this
Part C: Compliance Status – Other Requirements
Part C identifies any other requirements that apply to the emissions unit and to determine the compliance status of the
emissions unit. These “other requirements” would not be required by federal, state, or local law.
List any activities that are known to be subject to new requirements during the term of the proposed permit. Consider new
requirements on emissions, monitoring, record keeping, testing or test methods, and reporting. If you need additional
space, attach a separate page and label the page FORM CD-01, Emissions unit Compliance Status.
11. Other Requirement:
Briefly describe the requirement.
12. State/Local only:
If the applicable requirement is a state or local agency requirement, then place an "X" here.
13. In Compliance (Y / N):
Indicate whether the emissions unit is in compliance with the applicable requirement. Simply place a "y" or "n" in this
All information submitted to IDEM will be made available to the public unless it is submitted under a claim of
confidentiality. Claim of confidentiality must be made at the time the information is submitted to IDEM, and must follow
the requirements set out in 326 IAC 17.1-4-1. Failure to follow these requirements exactly will result in your confidential
information becoming a public record, available for public inspection. To ensure that your information remains
confidential, refer to the IDEM, OAQ information regarding submittal of confidential business information. For more
information on confidentiality for certain types of business information, please review IDEM’s Nonrule Policy Document
Air-031-NPD regarding Emission Data.
American LegalNet, Inc.
IDEM - Office of Air Quality - Permits Branch
100 N. Senate Avenue, P.O. Box 6015
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6015
Telephone: (317) 233-0178 or
Toll Free: 1-800-451-6027 x30178 (within Indiana)
Facsimile Number: (317) 232-6749
State Form 51861 (8-04)
The purpose of CD-01 is to identify the requirements that apply to each
emissions unit at the permitted source and to determine the compliance
status of these emissions units.
This is required form for each initial Title V permit application as well as each
modification and every renewal.
Detailed instructions for this form are available online at
All information submitted to IDEM will be made available to the public unless
it is submitted under a claim of confidentiality. Claims of confidentiality must
be made at the time the information is submitted to IDEM, and must follow
the requirements set out in 326 IAC 17.1-4-1. Failure to follow these
requirements exactly will result in your information becoming a public record,
available for any one to inspect and photocopy.
______ – _________ – ____________
PART A: Identification of Source and Emissions Unit
Part A is intended to identify the source and the emissions unit. For the purposes of this form, the term “source” refers to
the plant site as a whole and NOT to individual emissions units.
1. Source Name:
2. Source ID:
3. Emissions Unit Description:
4. Unit ID:
PART B: Regulatory Compliance Status
Part B is intended to identify the regulatory requirements that apply to the emissions unit and to determine the compliance
status of the emissions unit. These “regulatory requirements” are those required by federal, state, or local law.
5. Rule Cite
7. State /
Local Only
6. Description
8. Limitation
9. Test Method
10. In Compliance
PART C: Compliance Status – Other Requirements
Part C is intended to identify any other requirements that apply to the emissions unit and to determine the compliance
status of the emissions unit. These “other requirements” would not be required by federal, state, or local law.
11. Other Requirements
Emissions Unit Compliance Status (CD-01)
12. State / Local Only
13. In Compliance (y/n)
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