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OAQ General Source Data Application GSD-07 Criteria Pollutant Emissions Summary Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Enviromental Management Statewide.
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Tags: OAQ General Source Data Application GSD-07 Criteria Pollutant Emissions Summary, 51602, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Enviromental Management
GSD-07 – Criteria Pollutant Emissions Summary – INSTRUCTIONS
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The purpose of GSD-07 (State Form 51602) is to provide the actual and potential emissions of each criteria pollutant
emitted from the source. GSD-07 is required for all air permit applications submitted to IDEM, OAQ. For the purposes of
this form, the term “source” refers to the plant as a whole and NOT to the individual emissions units.
If you have any questions, contact the Air Permit Reviewer of the Day (PROD) at (317) 233-0178 or 1-800-451-6027
extension 3-0178 (toll free call within Indiana).
Part A: Unit Emissions Summary:
Part A provides the actual and potential emissions of each criteria pollutant emitted from each emissions unit. If you do
not provide the enough information to adequately describe the emissions from each emissions unit, the application
process may be stopped.
1. Unit ID:
Provide the identification number for each emissions unit. The identification numbers listed on this form should
correspond to the emissions unit identified on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
2. Stack / Vent ID:
Provide the identification number for each stack or vent to which this emissions unit exhausts. The identification
numbers listed on this form should correspond to the stacks and vents identified on the Plant Layout and Process
Flow diagrams.
3. Criteria Pollutant:
For each emissions unit identified, list each criteria pollutant emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation. If
there are multiple criteria pollutants for an emissions unit, use a new row for each pollutant.
4. Actual Emissions:
For each emissions unit specific pollutant identified, provide the actual emissions level based on normal operating
conditions (i.e., actual hours of operation, using control equipment, etc.) in standard units and also in tons per year
(tpy). Since the units will vary depending on the process, appropriate units must be included or the application
process may be stopped. The standard units used for this form should correspond to the units used on form CD-01,
Facility/Unit Compliance Status. The annual emissions level should be calculated using data from the previous year of
operation and should correspond to the emissions reported on the Annual Emission Statement (if required). It is
important to provide an estimate of actual emissions so we can compare this number to the potential to emit.
5. Potential Emissions:
For each emissions unit specific pollutant identified, provide the total potential to emit in standard units and also in
tons per year (tpy) based on the maximum design capacity of the emissions unit and operating at 8760 hours/year.
Since the units will vary depending on the process, appropriate units must be included or the application process may
be stopped. The standard units used for this form should correspond to the units used on form CD-01, Facility/Unit
Compliance Status.
NOTE: Indiana Law requires permit emission limits to be based on the potential to emit (PTE) air pollutants as if the
process was operating at full capacity 24 hours per day, seven (7) days per week and 365 days per year.
Some sources may opt to take a limit on the potential to emit for the entire source, or individual processes, in order to
better reflect the actual operating scenario. Limitations on operations (work practices) or emissions (control
equipment) may be included in the calculations only to the extent that the limitations are federally enforceable
(required by NSPS, NESHAP, approved SIP requirement, NSR/PSD permit condition, etc.). Limitations that are not
federally enforceable cannot be included (state only requirement, local agency permit condition, etc.).
Part B: Pollutant Emissions Summary:
Part B provides the total actual and potential emissions of each criteria pollutant emitted from the source (including all
emissions units and fugitive emissions at the source). If you do not provide the enough information to adequately describe
the total source emissions, the application process may be stopped.
6. Criteria Pollutant:
List each criteria pollutant emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation of the source.
American LegalNet, Inc.
7. Actual Emissions:
Provide the total source-wide actual emissions level for each pollutant based on normal operating conditions (i.e.,
actual hours of operation, using control equipment, etc.) in standard units and also in tons per year (tpy). Since the
units will vary depending on the process, appropriate units must be included or the application process may be
stopped. The standard units used for this form should correspond to the units used on form CD-01, Facility/Unit
Compliance Status. The annual emissions level should be calculated using data from the previous year of operation
and should correspond to the emissions reported on the Annual Emission Statement (if required). It is important to
provide an estimate of actual emissions so we can compare this number to the potential to emit.
8. Potential Emissions:
Provide the total source-wide potential to emit in standard units and also in tons per year (tpy) based on the maximum
design capacity of each emissions unit and operating at 8760 hours/year. Since the units will vary depending on the
process, appropriate units must be included or the application process may be stopped. The standard units used for
this form should correspond to the units used on form CD-01, Facility/Unit Compliance Status.
NOTE: Indiana Law requires permit emission limits to be based on the potential to emit (PTE) air pollutants as if the
process was operating at full capacity 24 hours per day, seven (7) days per week and 365 days per year.
Some sources may opt to take a limit on the potential to emit for the entire source, or individual processes, in order to
better reflect the actual operating scenario. Limitations on operations (work practices) or emissions (control
equipment) may be included in the calculations only to the extent that the limitations are federally enforceable
(required by NSPS, NESHAP, approved SIP requirement, NSR/PSD permit condition, etc.). Limitations that are not
federally enforceable cannot be included (state only requirement, local agency permit condition, etc.).
Part C: Fugitive VOC Emissions
(If applicable) Part C summarizes the sources of fugitive VOC emissions at the source and estimates VOC emissions
from these emission points. Complete this table if you are required to provide fugitive emissions data pursuant to 326 IAC
2-2 or 326 IAC 2-3.
Pursuant to 326 IAC 2-2-1(x) and 326 IAC 2-3-1(v), “fugitive emissions” means those emissions that could not reasonably
pass through a stack, chimney, vent, or other functionally equivalent opening.
9. Fugitive Emissions Source:
Several common sources of fugitive VOC emissions are listed in this column. If there is a source that is not included
in this list, provide a name for the fugitive VOC emissions source in the space provided.
10. Emission Factor:
For each fugitive VOC emission source listed, provide a pound per hour (lb/hr) emission factor for estimating fugitive
11. Number Leaking:
For each fugitive VOC emission source listed, quantify the number of leaking emission points.
12. Uncontrolled Potential To Emit:
For each fugitive VOC emission source listed, provide the uncontrolled potential to emit in pounds per hour (lb/hr) and
tons per year (tpy).
All information submitted to IDEM will be made available to the public unless it is submitted under a claim of
confidentiality. Claim of confidentiality must be made at the time the information is submitted to IDEM, and must follow
the requirements set out in 326 IAC 17.1-4-1. Failure to follow these requirements exactly will result in your confidential
information becoming a public record, available for public inspection. To ensure that your information remains
confidential, refer to the IDEM, OAQ information regarding submittal of confidential business information. For more
information on confidentiality for certain types of business information, please review IDEM’s Nonrule Policy Document
Air-031-NPD regarding Emission Data.
American LegalNet, Inc.
GSD-07: Criteria Pollutant Emissions Summary
IDEM - Office of Air Quality - Permits Branch
100 N. Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251
Telephone: (317) 233-0178 or
Toll Free: 1-800-451-6027 x30178 (within Indiana)
Facsimile Number: (317) 232-6749
State Form 51602 (R2 / 9-06)
The purpose of this form is to provide the actual and potential emissions of each criteria pollutant emitted from the source. This form is
required for all air permit applications.
Detailed instructions for this form are available online at
All information submitted to IDEM will be made available to the public unless it is submitted under a claim of confidentiality. Claims of
confidentiality must be made at the time the information is submitted to IDEM, and must follow the requirements set out in 326 IAC 17.1-4-1.
Failure to follow these requirements exactly will result in your information becoming a public record, available for public inspection.
Part A: Unit Emissions Summary
Part A provides the actual and potential emissions of each criteria pollutant emitted from each emissions unit. If you do not provide the enough information to
adequately describe the emissions from each emissions unit, the application process may be stopped.
1. Unit ID
2. Stack / Vent ID
3. Criteria Pollutant
4. Actual Emissions
Standard Units
Continued on Next Page
Tons Per Year
5. Potential To Emit
Standard Units
Tons Per Year
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Office Of Air Quality
State Form 51602 (R2 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
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Part B: Pollutant Emissions Summary
Part B provides the total actual and potential emissions of each criteria pollutant emitted from the source (including all emissions units and fugitive emissions at
the source). If you do not provide the enough information to adequately describe the total source emissions, the application process may be stopped.
6. Criteria Pollutant
7. Actual Emissions
Standard Units
Tons Per Year
8. Potential To Emit
Standard Units
Tons Per Year
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Lead (Pb)
Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)
Particulate Matter (PM)
Particulate Matter less than 10μm (PM10)
Particulate Matter less than 2.5μm (PM2.5)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
Other (specify):
Part C: Fugitive VOC Emissions (if applicable)
Part C summarizes the sources of fugitive VOC emissions at the source and estimates VOC emissions from these emission points. Complete this table if you
are required to provide fugitive emissions data pursuant to 326 IAC 2-2 or 326 IAC 2-3.
9. Fugitive Emissions Source
10. Emission Factor
11. Number
12. Uncontrolled Potential To Emit
Pounds Per Hour
Tons Per Year
Compressor Seals
Open-Ended Lines
Pressure Relief Seals
Pump Seals
Sampling Connections
Other (specify):
American LegalNet, Inc.